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Campus Cards FAQs

This page is intended to give a broad introduction to how the Campus Card works. This FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) is split into the following parts:

  • 1 to 7: general information about the Campus Card
  • 8 to 15: purchasing goods and services
  • 16 to 19: printing and photocopying for students.

1. General Information

  • Campus Card: Your student/staff/associate card with a microchip for various applications.
  • Getting a Card: Students get it during enrolment; staff and associates get it from Human Resources or the Library.
  • Validity: The same card works throughout your time at the University.
  • PIN Code: Used for door access to 24-hour PC labs and other campus doors. Find it on the Campus Card Portal.

2. Do I Have to Pay to Replace a Lost/Stolen/Damaged Campus Card?

  • Lost Card: Yes, it costs £10 to replace.
  • Stolen Card: Report the theft to Security Services and complete a Crime Report Form to get a Crime Report Number from the police. If you provide this number, the replacement is free.
  • Damaged Card: No, as long as you keep the damaged card as proof you have not lost it. Take the damaged card to a student support centre if it is a student card or contact Campus Card systems for further instructions.

3. What to Do if You Lose Your Campus Card

For Students:

  1. Check with Security: Visit their office in Whiteknights house or check your University email to see if Security has found your card. Lost cards are kept for two weeks before being destroyed.
  2. Get a Replacement: If you're on campus, order online first then get a new card from:
    • Student Services help desk (Carrington building)
    • Student Support Centres (London Road, Edith Morley, Agriculture, JJT buildings)
    • The reissue process will block your lost card.
  3. Block Your Card: If you can't get a replacement immediately, use the Campus Card Portal to block your lost card. It may take up to an hour for the block to take effect.
  4. Accommodation Access: Contact your halls manager to block the old card.
  5. Transfer Services: Once you get your new card, all services should transfer automatically.

For Staff and Associates:

  1. Check with Security: Visit their office in Whiteknights house or check your University email to see if Security has found your card. Lost cards are kept for two weeks before being destroyed.
  2. Block Your Card: Use the Campus Card Portal to block your lost card. It may take up to an hour for the block to take effect.
  3. Get a Replacement: Pay for a new card at the Library helpdesk or order your replacement staff or associate campus card online. If stolen, contact Campus Card systems for a replacement.


4. If I Block My Campus Card and Then Find It, Can I Re-use It?

No, once you block your Campus Card on the Campus Card Portal, it is permanently deactivated. You will need to buy a new one.


5. Do I Have to Pay to Replace a Campus Card if My Name Has Changed?

  • No, as long as you return your original Campus Card when you get your new one printed.
  • If you can't return the original card, you'll need to pay the replacement fee.

Note: After changing your name, wait 24 hours for the new name to appear on your replacement card.


6. What to Do if You Find a Campus Card

  • Take it to Security at Whiteknights house. They will contact the owner.
  • Can't hand it in person? Post it to the Security Office using the address on the card.

7. Can I Let My Friends or Family Use My Campus Card?

No, only the person whose details are on the card can use it. If someone else uses your card, the University can confiscate it, and you'll have to pay for a replacement.

Purchasing goods and services

8. What can I buy with my Campus Card account?

You can use your Campus Card to buy things at these places on Whiteknights and London Road Campuses:

You can also use it to pay for printing, photocopying, and library/laptop locker fines online.

9. What discounts do I get for using the Campus Card?

When you use your Campus Card, you get discounts at some places. Here are the regular discounts:

  • 10% off all items at MERL café & gift shop.
  • 10% off all food and drink (excluding alcohol) at ICMA Café.
  • 5% off Royal Mail airmail, international, and UK courier services at the Mail Shop.
  • 5% off everything at the Art Shop.

Some places also offer special deals and promotions throughout the year for Campus Card users.

10. How do I add money to my Campus Card account?

  • Log in to the Campus Card portal with your University username and password to add money.

11. What is the maximum amount I can put on my Campus Card account?

  • You can have up to £200 on your account.

12. Can others access my account details?

  • No, only you can access it with your University of Reading username and password.

13. Can I get a refund for the money on my Campus Card account?

  • No, any remaining money one year after you leave the University will be donated to the student support fund.

14. What if I don't have enough money on my Campus Card to pay for something?

  • You can pay the remaining amount with a debit/credit card.

15. How does the Catered Package work with my Campus Card?

  • Your Campus Card will have a second balance for the catering package (Clever Cuisine).
  • You can't add extra money to this balance.
  • The catering balance is separate from your main Campus Card account, and you can't transfer money between them.

For more details, visit the Clever Cuisine website.


Printing and Photocopying for Students

16. How Do I Add Money for Printing and Photocopying on My Campus Card account?

You can add money using these methods:

  1. Online: Log in to the Campus Card Portal. with your University username and password.
  2. In Person: Use your credit/debit card at these locations:
For more details, check the photocopying and printing guides.

17. Why can't I log into the Multi-function Printer?

  • You need money in your online balance to log in.
  • If you have money and still can't log in, email with your student number and the number on the bottom right of your card.

18. Can I monitor my printer usage?

19. Who do I contact for printing and photocopying problems?


If you still need help after reading these questions, email for assistance.

Visit the Campus Card Portal today!

The Campus Card portal

  • Retrieve your PIN
  • Top-up your CAmpus card  account
  • Pay Library/laptop lockers fines
  • Block your card if lost
Things to do now

To Find your PIN, check your account or top-up:

Contact us

Campus Card Systems