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Building access

For staff and associate members

Staff and Associate Campus Cards can be used for gaining access to the SportsPark and Music practice rooms, providing you pay the appropriate membership fees.

If you require access to any other particular building please see the relevant buildings manager to obtain access. If you need access to more than one building this can all be contained on your single Campus Card.

If you are having problems with your door access please contact your relevant buildings manager directly.

If you require a PIN number to access a door then you can retrieve your PIN by visiting the Campus Card portal.

For students

Student Campus Cards will also allow you access to the 24 hour PC labs, they can also be used for gaining access to the SportsPark and Music practise rooms, providing you pay the appropriate membership fees.

If you require access to any other particular building please see the relevant buildings manager to obtain access. If you need access to more than one building this can usually all be contained on your single Student Campus Card.

If you require a PIN number to access a door then you can retrieve your PIN by visiting the Campus Card portal.

For access to Halls of Residence you must see the relevant group residences manager for them to give you access. If you are experiencing problems with access to your halls accommodation, contact your halls manager directly, or contact security on +44 (0)118 378 7799 if your halls accommodation office is closed.

If you are having problems with your door access for non-residential buildings then please fill in the form.

Visit the Campus Card Portal today!