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UK Early Career Research Fellowship

In 2024, Prof. Sir Brian Hoskins was awarded the Japan Prize in the field of Resources, Energy, the Environment, and Social Infrastructure for his research, which has contributed to establishing a scientific foundation for understanding and predicting extreme weather events.

The award was made jointly to him and his US colleague Professor John Michael Wallace, from the University of Washington.

To celebrate this award and to continue and enhance the long-standing collaboration between scientists working on climate and atmospheric science in the UK and Japan, Sir Brian has chosen to use the Prize money to endow a new fellowship for Early Career scientists from Japan.

The Fellowship will support visitors from Japan working in any area of the dynamics of weather and climate to spend 6-12 months working in Reading.

Building links and developing new big ideas

Prof. Sir Brian Hoskins explains the importance of introducing the new Fellowship.

"The advancements of weather and climate forecasting over the past half century have been extraordinary. Useful warnings of cyclones or floods can now be provided days and sometimes weeks ahead, and there is an understanding of how continuing greenhouse gas emissions may change patterns of weather decades or centuries ahead.

Yet in the face of climate change and increasing numbers of extreme weather events, a new generation of talented scientists is needed to work together to find answers to the many remaining mysteries of weather and climate. This is why I am delighted to fund this new Fellowship that will build links between scientists in Japan and the UK who will develop the next big ideas in our subject."