This is the intranet page for the Department of Meteorology, accessible to staff and current students only.
Internal meetings
Information on room bookings within Brian Hoskins or Harry Pitt also includes telephone extension numbers for the various meeting rooms and how to book poster boards, conference telephone and projectors.
Room and Equipment Bookings
Departmental calendar
Contact to add an item to the calendar
Termly Staff Meetings: minutes and papers are on Meteorology Staff Teams – under Termly Staff Meeting channel
Weekly Staff Meetings: Notes (internal)
School information and procedures
Additional School-level information, including “How to” guides on recruitment, staff induction, expenses, travel and more, can be found on the School of Mathematical, Physical and Computational Sciences intranet pages.
Ele digital wellbeing platform| [Use SSO login]
Department First Aiders
Mental Health First Aiders
SMPCS Intranet
SMPCS Health and Safety
SMPCS Overseas Travel (scroll down)
EU ETIAS visa (now required)
SMPCS How To Guides
Travel Guidance for Staff and Students
Travel Emissions Calculation Worksheet
MPCS Carbon Logging Form
Carbon budgets
Departmental Information
Computing Resources
Departmental e-mail lists
Department Library
Departmental Scientific Notation handbook
Department Handbook
Carbon Budget for Travel
Departmental Staff
PhD Students
University Search
Research and Engagement
Department Outreach (pre-2022)
Pufferfish Globe Instructions
Research Documentation (internal)
Research-funded Staff Forum
SciFree journal app
Open Research Action Plan
OpenAccess journals (libguides)
Boosting academic profile
REF Tool
How to construct a Nature summary paragraph
UoR Social Media Policy (internal)
Grant proposals : Data storage costs when filling out grant proposals.
(see also the useful getting the most out of twitter guide and perhaps consider Blue Sky)
Student related
BSc past exam papers
Forms for post-graduate students
PPLATO maths and physics resources (MSc resources)(replace https with http if link doesn’t work)
MSc past papers (old site, pre 2016)(replace https with http if link doesn’t work)
PhD hub
Student Photos (internal)
Student related admin (SMPCS intranet, includes PhD info)
Student wellbeing
Tutor information
Assessment Handbook
RMetS Careers Booklet
Social Activities (some out of date)