Marcus Tindall

+44 (0) 118 378 8989
- Lead Mathematical Biology group
- Lead UK Quantitative Systems Pharmacology Network
- Director of outreach
Room 208Building location
MathematicsAreas of interest
I am a mathematical biologist whose primary interest is in the mathematical modelling of biological and biomedical systems. I work with international leading life scientists in academic institutions and industry to formulate and solve mathematical models which are used to understand the system of interest, test hypotheses and direct future experimental/practical work.
Biological application areas - Genetic regulation of cholesterol biosynthesis, lipid metabolism, protein-protein interaction networks in cardiovascular cell biology (myocytes and platelets), quantitative systems pharmacology, bacterial chemotaxis, tumour growth and crop growth.
Mathematical expertise - Ordinary and partial differential equations, multi-scale modelling, numerical methods for ordinary and partial differential equations, agent based modelling, cellular automata, model parameterisation, dynamical systems theory, asymptotic perturbation theory.
My work is funded by the BBSRC, ESPRC, British Heart Foundation, collaborative institutions and industry.
Impact, enterprise and outreach overview
- Lead UK Quantitative Systems Pharmacology Network
- Number of projects with industry
- STEM Ambassador
- Hold regular outreach days on mathematical modelling for A-level students
I teach and lead a range of modules in both Biological Sciences and Mathematics and Statistics:
- Mathematical Biology for third and fourth year undergraduate students, and MSc students.
- Biological Sciences - Introduction to Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BI2BCB2).
Current teaching (2024/25):