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Mathematical Physical and Computational Sciences

Modules for 2024/25

Module code Module name Semesters taught ECTS
CS1AC Applications of Computer Science Semester 2 10
CS1CA Computer Systems Architecture Semester 1 10
CS1DB Databases Semester 2 10
CS1IP Imperative Programming Semester 1 10
CS1MA Mathematics and Computation Semester 1 10
CS1OP Object-Oriented Programming Semester 2 10
CS2AI Artificial Intelligence Semester 2 10
CS2DA Data Structures and Algorithms Semester 1 10
CS2ON Operating Systems and Computer Networking Semester 2 10
CS2OP Object-Oriented Programming Semester 1 10
CS2PP Programming in Python Semester 2 10
CS2SD Software Systems Design Semester 2 10
CS2SE Software Engineering and Professional Development Semester 1 10
CS3AM Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Semester 1 10
CS3BC Blockchain and Security Semester 2 10
CS3DP Distributed and Parallel Computing Semester 2 10
CS3DV Data Integration and Information Visualisation Semester 1 10
CS3IV Image Analysis and Visual Intelligence Semester 2 10
CS3TM Text Mining and Natural Language Processing Semester 2 10
CS3VR Virtual Reality, Games and Graphics Semester 1 10
MA1CA Calculus Semester 1 10
MA1FM Foundations of Mathematics Semester 1 10
MA1LA Linear Algebra Semester 2 10
MA1MC Mathematical Communication Semester 1 10
MA1RA1 Real Analysis I Semester 2 10
MA2ALA Algebra Semester 2 10
MA2DE Differential Equations Semester 1 10
MA2MMP Mathematical Methods and Physical Applications Semester 1 10
MA2NAO Numerical Analysis I Semester 2 10
MA2RAT Real Analysis II Semester 2 10
MA3CAN Complex Analysis Semester 2 10
MA3DSA Dynamical Systems and Applications Semester 2 10
MA3MP Mathematical Physics Semester 1 10
MA3MSF Metric Spaces and Functional Analysis Semester 2 10
MA3NAT Numerical Analysis II Semester 2 10
MA3NTC Number Theory and Cryptography Semester 1 10
MA3PAM Probability and Measure Semester 1 10
MA3PDA Partial Differential Equations and Applications Semester 1 10
MA4AM Asymptotic Methods Semester 2 10
MA4APS Applied Stochastic Processes Semester 1 10
MA0PH Physics Semester 1 10
MT1ITM Introduction to Meteorology Semester 1 10
MT1PNW Physics of the Natural World Semester 1 10
MT1SES Skills for Environmental Science Semester 2 10
MT1WCF Weather and Climate Fundamentals Semester 2 10
MT2ACP Air Pollution: Chemistry, Transport and Dispersion Semester 2 10
MT2AOD Atmosphere and Ocean Dynamics Semester 2 10
MT2AP Atmospheric Physics Semester 1 10
MT2CCC Climate Change: Causes and Consequences Semester 1 10
MT2CLC Climate Change Semester 2 10
MT2MM Mathematical Methods for Weather and Climate Science Semester 1 10
MT2NSM Numerical and Statistical Methods for Weather and Climate Science Semester 1 10
MT3AFT Atmospheric Science Fieldtrip Semester 2 10
MT3CCC Climate Change: Causes and Consequences Semester 1 10
MT3DCS Data Science and Climate Services Semester 2 10
MT3DWS Dynamics of Weather Systems Semester 1 10
MT3ESW Atmospheric Electricity and Space Weather Semester 1 10
MT3GCD Global Climate Dynamics Semester 2 10
MT3NM Numerical Modelling for Weather and Climate Science Semester 2 10
MT3OCC Fundamentals of Ocean Circulation and Climate Semester 2 10
MT3RP Research Project Semesters 1 and 2 20
MT3RS Remote Sensing Methods and Applications Semester 2 10
MT3SBL Surface and Boundary Layer Meteorology Semester 1 10
MT3WCD Weather and Climate Discussion Semesters 1 and 2 0
MT4AFT Atmospheric Science Fieldtrip Semester 2 10
MT4DCS Data Science and Climate Services Semester 2 10
MT4DWS Dynamics of Weather Systems Semester 1 10
MT4ESW Atmospheric Electricity and Space Weather Semester 1 10
MT4GCD Global Climate Dynamics Semester 2 10
MT4NM Numerical Modelling for Weather and Climate Science Semester 2 10
MT4OCC Fundamentals of Ocean Circulation and Climate Semester 2 10
MT4RP Research Project Semesters 1 and 2 20
MT4RS Remote Sensing Methods and Applications Semester 2 10
MT4SBL Surface and Boundary Layer Meteorology Semester 1 10
MTMAAD Advanced Atmospheric Dynamics Semester 2 10
MTMACP Air Pollution: Chemistry, Transport and Dispersion Semester 2 10
MTMCCC Climate Change: Causes and Consequences Semester 1 10
MTMCLC Climate Change: Past, Present and Future Semester 2 10
MTMCW Causality and Decision-Making Semester 2 10
MTMDCS Data Science and Climate Services Semester 2 10
MTMDFS Data Analysis and Forecasting Systems for Weather and Climate Semester 1 10
MTMFAO Fluid Dynamics of the Atmosphere and Oceans Semester 1 10
MTMFMD Fundamentals of Modelling and Data Analysis Semester 1 10
MTMFWC Fundamentals of Weather and Climate Semester 1 10
MTMOCC Fundamentals of Ocean Circulation and Climate Semester 2 10
MTMRS Remote Sensing Methods and Applications Semester 2 10
MTMTEA Tropical and Extratropical Weather Systems Analysis Semester 2 10
MTMWCD Weather and Climate Discussion Semesters 1 and 2 0
ST1PS Probability and Statistics Semester 2 10
ST2LMD Linear Models and Data Analysis Semester 1 10
ST2PST Probability and Statistical Theory Semester 2 10
ST3ASM Advanced Statistical Modelling Semester 2 10
ST3MML Methods of Machine Learning Semester 1 10
ST4MML Methods of Machine Learning Semester 1 10