We offer the following guides to help you find and use information.
- Academic Integrity Toolkit - guidance and materials, for students and tutors, on developing the skills to study with academic integrity
- Citing references - guidance on referring to your sources in essays, projects and dissertations
- Database searching - guidance on creating search statements, different types of searches and how to limit and refine your search
- EndNote - find out how to use this bibliographic management package
- Enterprise catalogue - the Catalogues page includes guidance on searching, limiting your results and using some of the interactive features
- Evaluating websites - tips on judging what's good and what's not on the Internet
- Finding...
- books
- journal articles - Introductory guide to the LRC
- Keeping up-to-date - ways to keep up with new developments in your subject area
- Literature searching - a guide to finding articles, books and other materials on your subject
- Managing references - an overview of various reference management services
- Study Advice and Maths Support - guides and videos to support your study skills
- Subject resources & guidance including:
- databases covering your subject - online resources for finding journal articles on a topic
- websites for your subject - Summon Discovery Service - see the Catalogues page for guidance on using Summon to find online publications
- Understanding your reading list - tips on finding items on your reading list