Finding journal articles
What are journal articles?
Journal articles are usually short papers on specific topics. They are published in issues or parts of journals (also called periodicals) which appear regularly. Use articles to find:
- up-to-date research in your subject
- reviews of developments in your subject - these review articles include extensive lists of references
Finding articles using Summon
The easiest way to find journal articles on a topic is to search Summon. This service searches across articles held in all the journals covered by our subscriptions. One search on Summon will also find relevant content in our e-books, online encyclopedias and other sources.
Find articles using subject-related databases
The LRC subscribes to databases which you can search to find relevant articles. These allow you to run more precise searches than is possible in Summon, and will extend your search beyond our collections (vital if you are doing a literature search for your PhD).
- Find databases covering your subject
- Effective database searching - tips and techniques for making a successful search
Getting hold of articles found in a database search
When searching databases just click on the "Search for item at Reading" button next to each reference. This will link you directly to the article if it is available online as part of our collections. You can also search the catalogue automatically to find out if we hold the print journal.
If the article isn't available here we can usually get it for you from another library - contact us for further information.