Gale General OneFile
- Link to Gale General OneFile - University username and password required
Institutional login required to access this resource via a search engine when off-campus.
Full-text access to over 9,000 journal titles and hundreds of newspapers. Includes:
- the full collection of National Public Radio programs from 1990 to the present
- links to thousands of video files from providers including Video Collection, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, and Associated Press Video News
- hundreds of travel guides from Dorling Kindersley.
Help & guidance
- Once logged in to the site click on 'Help' at the bottom of the page for comprehensive guidance.
- Contact us for additional advice on using this resource.
EndNote Info
You can save your references into EndNote in the following ways:
- Desktop EndNote - Direct export - Find out more about saving references into Desktop EndNote
- EndNote online - Download & import - Find out more about saving references into EndNote online
For both versions follow these instructions to save the useful references:
- Click on 'Save' under each item you want, then go to 'My Folder'.
- Select 'Citation Tools' and select 'EndNote' from the 'Export to list.
- A file of references is created.
- Using Desktop EndNote? Just 'Open' the file to import your references automatically.
Using EndNote online? Save the file and then import into EndNote online (using the 'RefMan RIS' import option).