Study Advice
Help yourself to a better degree!
Study Advice is based within the Library on the Whiteknights campus. We work with students to develop the academic skills they need for university level study. We support students, across all disciplines from undergraduate to PhD level, to achieve the academic success they deserve .
Videos and guides
Find expert advice on developing your academic skills such as:
- Starting your studies and Postgraduate study
- Essays, Dissertations and Referencing
- Reports, presentations, reflection and assignments
- Time Management and Exams
Self Reflective App
We will be running webinars throughout the academic year to support you with all aspects of your study. From revising for your exams to preparing for your dissertations, these friendly webinars are designed for you to get some tips from the experts and put your studies on track for success.
We can help you to:
- develop more effective practices for studying at university
- have a clearer understanding of what tutors expect
- make studying less stressful
- achieve better marks
Individual appointments
With our expert guidance, you can develop your skills for study success and help yourself to a better degree!
We can help you with essay writing, exam revision, time management, referencing, presentations, dissertations, reports and more. Book a 30 minute appointment with us to:
- achieve better marks
- manage your time better
- develop more effective study practices
- understand your feedback & what tutors expect
Quick query?
Drop-ins are 10 minute sessions for which you do not need to book. They run every Mon-Fri 13:00 -14:00 during semester time on the Ground floor of the Library. Drop-in queries might be:
- to check how to reference a particular kind of text
- to ask about formatting or layout
- to make sure you've understood an assignment brief or question
- to get some quick tips on an aspect of study, like revision
If you think you need longer than 10 minutes with a Study Adviser, please book an appointment. Alternatively you can email us with your query and we will respond as soon as possible. Please note that we cannot guarantee to respond the same day, especially during vacations.
Peer advice and guidance - ASK advisers
Sometimes you have a query that might best be answered by someone within your department - but you don't want to bother your tutor with it. ASK Advisers are postgraduate research students in a department who are trained and mentored by the Study Advice team. Click here to see a list of current ASK advisers
The Study Advice Team
We are a small team of experts in learning development with many years of professional experience working directly with University students and staff.
Booked appointments are available Mon - Fri
Drop-ins for quick queries are available during semester time Mon - Fri 13:00 - 14:00 in the Library, Ground Floor.
Contact us at:
- +44 (0) 118 378 4242
Find us at:
- We are on the Ground Floor of the Library (to the right of the stairs).
We remain open during vacation (except during University closure days) for booked appointments.