We offer the following guides to help you find and use information. Many of our guides are now available on LibGuides where you can search our guides or browse by subject or type of guide.
- Academic Integrity Toolkit - guidance and materials, for students and tutors, on developing the skills to research, write and reference with academic integrity
- Articles - a guide to finding journal articles
- Books - a guide to finding
- Boost your academic profile guide - ways to make your research more visible and more likely to be cited
- CentAUR guide - information and guidance on depositing publications in the University's institutional repository
- Citing references - guidance on referring to your sources in essays, projects and dissertations
- Company information - a guide to finding info on companies
- Current awareness - see the Keeping up-to-date guide
- Database searching - see the Search techniques page of our literature searching guide
- Disability & inclusion related Library resources
- E-books: a guide to using
- EndNote - find out how to use this bibliographic management package
- Enterprise - includes guidance on searching, limiting your results and using some of the interactive features
- Evaluating websites - tips on judging what's good and what's not on the Internet
- Finding different types of publication - guides to finding books, journal articles, conference papers...
- Finding free research resources - a guide to free and Open Access resources available to students, alumni and the public
- Gender studies Library resources
- Journals - what are they and how do you find them?
- Keeping up-to-date - ways to keep up with new developments in your subject area
- Language learning - support for learning a language
- LGBT+ Library resources
- Literature searching - a guide to finding articles, books and other materials on your subject
- Managing references - guidance on some of the software options available for managing your references
- Market research reports - a guide to finding market research information
- Newspapers - a guide to finding
- Online reading lists: a guide for students - tips on making the most of your online reading list
- Open Research handbook - a practical guide for staff and students
- ORCID - guide for researchers on getting a unique ORCID identifier
- Patents - what are they and how to find them
- Research data management
- Standards - what are they and how to find them
- Study Advice guides & videos - from essay writing to preparing for exams, these guides cover a wide range of academic skills to help you study successfully at the University
- Subject help - resources and guidance for your subject
- Systematic reviews: a guide to doing them
- Theses - a guide to finding
- Videos - watch our videos for guidance on using the Library and finding information