Monoswita Bosu

0118 378 4450
ISLI Programme Administrator
I primarily look after the Academic English Program (AEP), lend support to the IFP and PSE courses and answer everyday queries at the ISLI Reception. And I do this within a very supportive and friendly ISLI team.
I am originally from India and have a Masters in English Literature. I was at the Indiana University, Bloomington for my Fulbright Fellowship year. I have lived in the USA for almost 10 years with my family and moved to the UK in 2021.
I am doing my second master's in Children’s Literature. I love and thrive in the vibrancy and bustle of an international setting and so feel privileged to be working within the International Studies and Language Institute. I am very close to my family and love reading books, extensive travelling, outdoor walks, exploring new activities and all kinds of food.