Meiko Murayama

+44 (0) 118 378 6763
- International Foundation Programme (IFP)
- Teaching the business subject for foundation programme students
Areas of interest
Recently I published a paper on privatisation and its success factors in the Japanese railway sector focusing on innovation and responsible business. I have a keen interest in business innovation referring to compassion and social responsibility. I am currently also involved in global comparative research on innovation in Japanese industry.
My interest in teaching international students has resulted in an additional research strand on impacts of the COVID-19 lockdown and restrictions on students’ engagement, with several publications and conference presentations on this topic.
- (2022) Polarised engagement: Challenges of inclusive learning experiences and a widening learning gap among COVID-19 lockdown students. Poster presentation, Inform conference, 30th July 2022
- (2022) An Exploration of JREast innovation factors. The Academy of International Management, Culture and Transdisciplinary Studies, 26th, 18th December 2021 (with T. Tsubota)
- (2021) Organizational Profitability, Industry 4.0, and Meeting the UN Sustainable Goals. EUROAN LAB 1 conference paper – with Kazeroony, H. and Alesander, A. 8th June
Modules taught:
- Introduction to Business and Management - foundation level
- Introduction to Marketing - UG
- Visitor and Attractions Management - UG
- Marketing for Cultural Industries - PG
- Tourism Management - UG
- Tourism Marketing - UG
- Business Tourism - PG
- Urban Tourism - UG and PG
- Tourism Planning - UG
- Ethical/Sustainable Tourism Planning - UG and PG
- Conference and Events Planning - PG
- Research Methods - PG
- Dissertation Supervision - UG and PG
I joined the IFP team in 2011. Before arriving and during my time at Reading I have accumulated a wide range of experience of teaching and research across subject areas in the business and tourism subjects, as well as utilising different methods and approaches to teaching.
My teaching style is student-centred learning and I ensure that students are well prepared, motivated and engaged with their learning. I want students to be equipped with essential academic skills for their undergraduate studies. I am a good communicator with a lot of experience in dealing with students with a wide range of ability and from different cultural backgrounds.
I am from Japan and I practice the art of Tea ‘chanoyu’.
Academic qualifications
- PhD, University of Surrey, UK
- M. Soc. Sci., The University of Birmingham, UK
- M. Econ., Chiba University, Japan
- B. Econ., Chiba University, Japan
- PG Cert HE, University of Westminster, UK
Selected publications
- (2022) An Exploration of JREast innovation factors. The Academy of International Management, Culture and Transdisciplinary Studies, 26th Annual report, pp.65-74 with T. Tsubota
- (2021) ‘Society 5.0 Transformation; Digital Strategy in Japan’. in Management Education and Automation. Kazeroony, H. and Tsang. D. (eds.): Routledge, London, pp. 7-29
- (2021) Cruise Tourism in Akita, Japan; Results of a Research Survey. Journal of Institute for Asian Studies and Regional Collaboration.Vol.12: pp.1-34 with Y. Aizawa and Y. Negishi
- (2020) Towards Sustainable Cruise Tourism Development in Akita. Journal of Institute for Asian Studies and Regional Collaboration.Vol.11: pp.1-24
- (2018) Current Situation and Issues of Inbound Tourism in Akita Prefecture and Akita City: A General View, Journal of Institute for Asian Studies and Regional Collaboration.Vol.7: pp.1-24
- (2018) ‘In Class Group Competition: an exploratory game approach for enhanced student participation’. InForm, Vol. 17: pp. 14 -15
- (2017) ‘In Class Group Competition: an exploratory business game approach for enhanced student participation’. AIB poster session, April 2017
- (2017) Post-Tourism and Rural Economic Development: alternative experiences and humour-led tourism Pan-Pacific Business conference, May 2017, Lima, Peru, Proceedings.
- (2016) Technologies Applied in Business Studies. Implementing Blended Learning. Pan-Pacific Business conference, Miri, May, Proceedings.
- (2015) ‘The implementation of technological innovation in blended learning at international foundation. programme level: bridging and enabling innovation in business education in the 21st century’, Pan-Pacific Business conference, Hanoi, Vietnam, Proceeding
- (2015) In the mix’: student experience of Blended Learning applied in a business studies context. InForm Vol. 15: pp.16-17.
- (2014) ‘Exploratory implementation analysis of blended learning: co-creation of business education in the 21st century’ 31st Pan-Pacific Business conference - Sakai, Osaka City, Japan 1st -4th June 2014, Proceedings.
- (2012) ‘Dear InForm’. Inform: Journal for International Foundation Programme Professional Issue 9. April 2012 P.4
- (2012) ‘Fast Japan, Slow Japan’ Shifting to slow tourism as a rural regeneration tool in Japan. In Slow Tourism: Experiences and Mobilities. Fullagar, S., Markwell, K. and Wilson, E. (eds.) Bristol: Channel View Publications. pp.170-184
- (2008) ‘Enhancing the competitiveness of Shizuoka: development beyond tourism’, Proceedings of The 12th Shizuoka Asia – Pacific Forum: Shizuoka Research Institute pp.160-187.
- (2007) The Tourism Area Life Cycle and Declining Traditional Onsen Resorts in Japan: Atami and the Challenges of Rejuvenation pp. 460-480, July 2007. International business and management culture. Murayama, M. (ed.) Bunshindo: Tokyo.
- (2007) The Role of Leisure and Tourism in Post-Industrial Cities: Sustainable Mixed-Use Development in Japan and the UK. In Urban Transformations: Regeneraiton and Renewal through Leisure and Tourism, Leisure Studies Association, pp.19-44.
- (2006) Sustainable and Responsible Leisure and Tourism Space Development in Post-industrial Cities? The case of Odaiba Waterfront City, Tokyo, Japan. In Smith, M. (ed.) Tourism, Culture and Regeneration. London: CABI. pp.69-84
- (2005) Doing the Groundwork? The Transfer of a UK Environmental Planning Approach to Japan. International Planning Studies Vol. 10(2): 123-140 (with G. Parker).
- (2004) Understanding urban tourism: the regeneration and development of amenity in Birmingham. Tokyo: Bunshindo.
- (2004) Urban rejuvenation in Birmingham, UK: tackling image problems. In Asia Pacific Tourism Association, Tenth Annual Conference Globalization and Tourism Research: East Meets West, July 2004. Proceedings, pp. 1247-1257.
- (2003) A Perspective from the Tourism Industry. In Takeda et. al. (eds.) Introduction to Business Studies. Nihon University. Japan, 51-68.
- (2003) The Historical, Planning and Geographic Perspective on Birmingham's Convention Centre Area in the UK. TTRA European Conference, 2003 Glasgow, the UK Proceedings 163-184 (with R. Butler).
- (2002) Spatial Production for Tourism in the British Context. Journal of International Relations Vol. 22 (4): 189-221.
- (2002) Sanjay Paul Globalization, Labour Mobility, and Wages. A Polyphony of Political, Economic, and Cultural – Outlooks for the 21st Century. Japan: Nihon University. 138-140 (Translation).
- (2002) Research on ‘play’. Omon-shunju Vol. 92 Summer 2002. 52-53.
- (1998) Urban Regeneration and City Marketing. A Case Study of Urban Tourism in Birmingham. In M. Murayama (Ed.) 1998 Multi-Facetted Business Studies. Tokyo: Bunshindo. 91-128.