Dr Carrie Zhang

+44 (0) 118 378 5781
- Director of ISLI-China Partnerships
- Lecturer in ISLI-China Partnerships
- Director of the Chinese University Administrator Courses and similar ones
- Tutor for the Intercultural Competence and Communication Module
- Dissertation supervisor for the English Language Education Course
Areas of interest
My research interest and teaching mainly focus on Teaching English as a Foreign Language and the Chinese context. Informed by theories of these areas I commit myself to innovation in classroom teaching.
The projects I conducted in 2019 and 2020 introduced Success Criteria in writing to China (an innovative idea to our course participants) and advocate teaching writing through reading by the means of discourse and genre analysis.
Since 2023 after a successful research project on developing students’ thinking abilities through teaching EFL, I have developed a strong interest and gained deeper insight in understanding the two languages, cultures, ways of thinking, and education systems between China and the UK. My attention for future work is directed to application of research-based teaching approaches such as educational neuroscience and GenAI technology into second language acquisition research and classroom teaching, and education in general.
I spent 13 years teaching English as a foreign language in China before I came to UK in pursuit of my PhD in 2009. Upon completion in 2013, I resumed my teaching career at the University of Reading, devoted to education and research in classroom practice and CPD courses, mostly for secondary and higher education professionals in China.
Academic qualifications
- 2020: Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy, UK
- 2021: Certificate in Educational Neuroscience: Research-Led Teaching Approaches, Central Queensland University, Australia
- 2013: PhD Education, University of Reading, UK
Thesis: Impact of Residential Courses in the UK on the Professional Development of the Chinese Teachers of English and Educational Change in Western Provinces in China
- 2009: Credentials of Senior English Teacher, Reform of Professional Title Leading Group, Chengdu, China
- 2007: Certificate in Teaching English to Younger Learners, University of Reading, UK
- 2003: Certificate in Lead Teacher Training, Institute of Education, Chengdu, China
- 1995: BA English Education, Sichuan Teachers’ College, China
Professional bodies/affiliations
- Fellow of Higher Education Academy, UK, 2020
- Reviewer for CPD Flair, University of Reading, since 2021
- Member of IATEFL
Selected publications
Conference papers and presentations:
- Conference presentations funded by British Councial on EFL Teaching in the Age of AI and The Thinking Abilities Framework at Global English Education China Academy Zhuhai, China, July 2024
- A presentation on Introducing the Thinking Abilities Framework for EFL teachers at the Brighton IATEFL 2024 conference, April 2024
- A lecture tour funded by British Council on Introducing the Thinking Abilities Framework in Chongqing and Chengdu, China
- Keynote speaker on the EMaDA Research Findings and Creation of the Thinking Abilities Framework at the TeachingEnglish Conference organised by British Council, Oct 2023
- ‘T&L Showcase - Promoting Racial Justice in Teaching and Learning’ (jointly delivered with Laura Miles) at Centre for Quality Support and Development (CQSD), University of Reading, 2022
- ‘An Introduction to Educational Neuroscience and Its Implications for Teaching’ at Learning Teaching and Research Forum (LTRF), International Study and Language Institute (ISLI), 2021
- ‘Developing Intercultural Communication Competence (ICC) in an international professional development context through action research’ (jointly delivered with Daguo Li and Sharon McIlroy) at Learning Teaching and Research Forum (LTRF), ISLI, 2017
- ‘The role and Status of Teachers in Foreign Language Schools’ published at the annual conference of Specialist Teaching and Research in Foreign Language Schools in China, 2006
- Zhang, X., Miles, L. (2021) The ISLI Shared Heritages: Identity and Belonging; Diverseness and Inclusiveness. In Hyder, E., Henderson, A., (Eds.), Promoting Racial Justice in Teaching Learning, University of Reading https://www.reading.ac.uk/essentials/Diversity-and-Inclusion/Racial-Equality/Racial-Justice-Booklet
- Zhang, X., McIlroy, S., & Li, D. (2020). Co-constructing intercultural development on a professional development programme for teachers from China. In M. Foster & D. Killick (Eds.), Learner Relationships in Global Higher Education: A Critical Pedagogy for a Multicultural World: Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Learner-Relationships-in-Global-Higher-Education-A-Critical-Pedagogy-for/Killick-Foster/p/book/9780367271145
- Li, D., Zhang, X. & Edwards, V. (2016). Innovation and change in English teaching in the western provinces of China: The impact of overseas training. In J. C. Lee, Z. Yu, X. Huang & E. H. Law (Eds.), Educational development in Western China: Towards quality and equity (pp. 191-215). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. ISBN 9789463002318.