Areas of interest
My language assessment interests include, suitability and fairness from different stakeholders' points of view; propagating good testing practice; exams vs. other forms of assessment; the 'test preparation' effect.
- I have worked in EAP (English for Academic Purposes) with a speciality in assessment since joining the University of Reading in 2003. Previous to that, I taught English in Slovakia, Poland and Japan.
- From 2003 to 2016 I was the chief administrator for the University of Reading's Test of English for Educational purposes (TEEP).
- From 2012 to 2016 I directed Short Courses in English Language and was module convenor/lecturer for the 'English for Science' specialist modules in the areas of Food Science and Chemistry.
- From 2017 to 2021 I headed the Foundation Study and Language Institute (FSLI) department at the University of Reading Malaysia campus (UoRM). This involved managing and leading CPD (Continuous Professional Development) training for a department of 15 lecturers teaching international foundation year modules, while also leading on campus-wide international projects such as student mobility and international partnerships.
- I have a practitioner interest in supporting the University of Reading's internationalisation drive, through language progression routes for international students, shot courses, student mobility, and partnership and branch campus activity.
Professional bodies/affiliations
- Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)
- Member of BALEAP (the Global Forum for English for Academic Purposes Professionals.
Conference Presentations:
- "Transplanting a British EAP Programme to Malaysia: Not Easy!", Professional Interest Meeting (BALEAP) Assessing the assessors: reviewing assessment practices in (and beyond) EAP, University of Birmingham, 2019.
- "'International' delivery of international foundation programmes - an I2FP model?". Panel discussion at InForm Conference via video link, University of Reading, 2019
- "Providing a UK IFP experience in Malaysia - successes and challenges", InForm Conference, University of Reading Malaysia, 2019.
- "Assessing in English at a British university campus in Malaysia", Plenary Panel Discussion, New Directions in English Language Assessment conference, Kuala Lumpur, 2018
- "Round table - enhancing student engagement on IFPs", InForm Conference, University of Reading Malaysia, 2017.
- "Valid topic choice in an EAP Speaking test", EALTA conference, Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, 2016.
- "Finding the Balance: Designing an ESAP course for Chemists", EAP Conference, University of St. Andrews, 2016.
- "Success in Implementing Task-Based Assessment in 'English for Food Science'", Potsdam University and English Language Teachers' Association Berlin-Brandenburg EAP conference 2014, Potsdam University, 2014.