Parveen Yaqoob

7113 (Mon-Thurs) or 6218 (Fri)
Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation)
- Member of University Executive Board.
3-07Building location
Whiteknights HouseAreas of interest
Diet, health, ageing and immune function/inflammation.
Current and recently completed projects include:
- impact of consumption of omega-3 fatty acids on inflammation and immunity
- effects of dietary fat vascular function
- impact of probiotics on immune function and response to influenza vaccination
- characterisation of extracellular vesicles and roles in cardiovascular disease
- influence of diet on extracellular vesicles.
Research centres and groups
- Institute for Cardiovascular and Metabolic Research (ICMR)
- Institute for Food, Nutrition and Health (IFNH).
Academic qualifications
- DPhil Biochemistry, University of Oxford
- MA Physiological Sciences, University of Oxford
- Registered Nutritionist.
Awards and honours
- The Nutrition Society Silver Medal (2003).
Professional bodies/affiliations
- Fellow of the Association for Nutrition (FAfN)
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA).