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Gemma Walton

  • FBMMSH and FBMMHD module convenor
  • Lab manager 3:18 and Gut Fermentation rooms Human Tissue Act management committee member
  • Outreach Officer for FNS
  • Acting MSc Examinations Officer for FNS



Building location

Harry Nursten

Areas of interest

The gut microbial community develops alongside us, influenced by our lifestyles and importantly by what we eat. With the number of microbial genes outnumbering human genes it is not surprising that this community can have a great impact on our health, as such, through changes to our diet we can alter this community and impact on our health.

Primarily I am interested in this microbial community, how it supports health and how we can change this community through dietary intervention; such as consumption of prebiotics and probiotics.

I work with glass models of the colon, seeing how interventions may impact on microbial communities, experiments that we often use ahead of intervention studies.

Research centres and groups

  • Part of the Food Microbial Sciences Unit.


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