- Member of the All Party Parliamentary Group Art, Craft and Design in Education 2015-present
- External examiner for Goldsmiths University of London Design and Technology PGCE Secondary(2016-present)/ University of the West of England Art and Design PGCE Secondary (2013-present)/ Roehampton University Art and Design PGCE Secondary (2009-2011)/Professional Studies PGCE Secondary (2011-2013)
- External moderator for Edexcel GCSE Art and Design (2011-present)
- Governor of a Partnership secondary school (2012-present)
- Annually lead a week of drawing activities with all phases of education including a gifted and talented day held at London Road for Year 8 and 9 pupils as part of the national Campaign for drawing 'The Big Draw'
- Delivered art INSET for the Wokingham Artist teachers February 2017
- Delivered INSET for the Wokingham federation art teachers on Literacy in Art in July 2012
- NSEAD Local Advisor for the Secondary Art National Curriculum 2007-2010
Melanie Jay

+44 (0) 118 378 2670
Lecturer-Secondary in Art Education
- Deputy Director Teaching and Learning
- Senior Academic Manager
- Secondary ITT Deputy Programme Manager
- Secondary ITT Course Leader Art and Design
Areas of interest
- Art education/gender issues in art education
- Sustainability in schools
- Global citizenship in art education
- The surveillance state and the impact on education
Postgraduate supervision
Areas in which you are able to supervise at Masters, PhD and EdD levels:
- Masters work which has a focus on Art education, the Arts generally, sustainability, pupil voice, school management, mentoring
Current and Recent PhD Students, with topics/titles of their research:
- 2015-present Michelle Rogers (with Dr Gill Hopper) EdD Drawing: Children’s Perceptions of the Impact of Observational Drawing on Learning in Primary School Education.
- Teaching the Art and Design PGCE/School Direct group
- Teaching a Secondary ITT Professional Studies group
- PGCE Primary supervising tutor
Selected publications
- Heighes, D., Harris, R., Francis-Brophy, E., Hopper, G., & Jay, M. (2014, September). The successes and challenges of implementing a museum learning curriculum: A study of teachers’ responses and engagement with innovation. Paper presented at the ECER conference, The past, present and future of educational research in Europe, University of Porto, Portugal
- Heighes, D., Harris, R., Francis-Brophy, E., Hopper, G., & Jay, M. (2014, September). An evaluation of an innovative curriculum: The benefits and challenges of implementing a museum learning curriculum in a secondary school. Paper presented at the BERA annual conference, Institute of Education, London
- Widening Participation’ internally funded BME coaching project co developed with Dr.Y Dimitriadi Jan 2013-2015
- ‘Boys into primary teaching’ internally funded project co developed with Dr. G Hopper and with Secondary partnership schools Jan 2013-2014
- Organised (with Dr Dimitriadri) and hosted the following conference at The University of Reading 'Creative ways to introduce computational thinking: Integrating Computer Science with Art' in November 2012
- Presented ‘From the margins to the mainstream’ with Dr. Gill. Hopper. Teacher Education for Equity and Sustainability (TEESNet) Global Citizenship Annual Conference11 July 2012 London South Bank University
- Awarded Post Graduate Certificate in Academic Practice (2012)
- Fellow of the HEA (2012-present).