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Aerial shot of London Road Campus

Upcoming events

Please find information on our Open Days, Get into Teaching events, taster lectures and professional development sessions.

We hold regular Postgraduate Initial Teacher Education (ITE)  information events online or in-person at our London Road campus where you can meet the team, learn more about our programmes, find out how to apply, and have your questions answered. 

Get into Teaching 

  • Monday 28 April
  • 16:15-17:30
  • L24, G06, London Road campus
Considering a career in teaching, but not sure where to start? Come and join us at our in-person Initial Teacher Education information afternoon. 
Discover the different postgraduate routes to becoming a Primary, Secondary or Early Years teacher at the University of Reading. This is the perfect opportunity for you to discuss your options, speak to the programme directors and admissions team and see where you will be studying in all of its spring glory! 
Booking link coming soon!

Outdoor Classroom Day - A buzz for learning: launch of pollinator education resources

  • Thursday 8 May
  • 14:00-17:00
  • London Road campus

We will be marking this year's outdoor classroom day with the launch of new educational resources and a tour of our, in-development, outdoor classroom space. The day will provide the opportunity  for idea sharing around outdoor learning environments and discovering how Pollinating London Togethers new resources can be used to inspire the next generation on the importance of pollinators. Please contact us for more information on how to attend. 

Education Studies - Webinar

  • Tuesday 20 May
  • 16:00-16:45
  • Online

Taster lecture delivered by Deputy Programme Director, David Dobraszczyk exploring "What are the biggest challenges for the education system in today’s world?" open to all interested in an undergraduate Education Studies degree. 
Book your place at the upcoming Education Studies webinar.

College Open Events - Foundation Degree in Children's Development and Learning 

For more information on the Foundation Degree in Children's Development and Learning, you can attend college specific open evenings. Please contact the colleges directly to book your place.

Activate Learning - Bracknell and Wokingham College - Open Evening

  • Wednesday 30 April
  • 16:30 to19:30
  • In person

Please contact Jane Machin for more details and to register your place. 

Berkshire College of Agriculture - Open Evening

  • Wednesday 1 May
  • 17:00-19:30
  • In person

Please contact Marion Brown directly for more details and to register your place. 

Basingstoke College of Technology - Open Evening and Taster Day 

  • Open Evening
  • Monday 2 June
  • 17:00-19:00
  • In person 
  • Taster Day
  • Thursday 19 June
  • Contact for more details
  • In person

Please contact Sharon Falconer directly for more details and to register your place.





Undergraduate Open Days

We typically hold Undergraduate Open Days in June and October each year. These events offer an opportunity to speak to students and lecturers from all our courses, enjoy talks, and find out more about University life.

Master's events

These events typically include live presentations from academic staff on our different master's courses, live chat with staff and students, and lots of other useful digital resources.

Institute of Education blog

Keep up to date with events, news and research from the Institute of Education.