Areas of interest
Expertise and Research Interest:
My research focuses on the implications of English as a global language for teaching and learning, including:
- English as a medium of instruction (EMI)
- Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education (ICLHE)
- Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
- Translanguaging as a pedagogical practice
- Language policy in international and transnational higher education
- Global Englishes
Postgraduate supervision
Masters, PhD and EdD Level Supervision offered in these areas:
- English as a medium instruction
- Translanguaging classroom practices and pedagogy
- Language policy (particularly with respect to the internationalization of higher education)
- International / transnational higher education
- Global Englishes and English as a lingua franca (particularly with respect to teaching pedagogy)
Research projects
Ongoing projects:
- 2022: English Medium Instruction: Digital Innovation for Teacher Training and Developing Best Practice Team (UK-ID Partnerships for English Teacher Professional Development: Digital Innovation Grant, funded by the British Council Indonesia)
Recently completed projects:
Selected publications
Selected Conference Presentations:
- Sahan, K. (2021) Implementing English-medium instruction: Comparing policy to practice at universities in Turkey. American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) 2021 Virtual Conference
- Sahan, K. (2021) What are the benefits of EMI? Comparing prospective, current, and former students’ beliefs and motivations. American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) 2021 Virtual Conference
- Sahan, K. (2020) Language use in EMI: The role of English & the L1. ExcitELT Online: Teaching English in global contexts and teaching IN English in global contexts – Invited speaker.
- Sahan, K. & Green-Eneix, C. How do Engineering teachers negotiate English language policy? Achieving agency in a Turkish university. Vanderbilt University, USA, Second Language Research Forum (SLRF) 2020.
- Sahan, K. (2020) Locating the local and the international in EMI policy: a case study on Turkey. Groningen, Netherlands, The 19th conference of the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA) – postponed due to COVID-19
- Sahan, K. (2020) Implementing English-medium Instruction: Comparing Policy to Practice at a Turkish University. Denver, USA, The 2020 conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) – Canceled due to COVID-19
- Sahan, K. (2019) Multilingualism in English-medium engineering classrooms: Language preferences and practices for teaching and learning, Jaume I University-Castellon, Spain, Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education (ICLHE) 2019
- Sahan, K. (2019) International at Home: Negotiating Local Contexts in English-medium University Programs in Turkey, in Colloquium: Problematizing Language Policy and Practice in EMI and Transnational Higher Education: International Perspectives, Manchester Metropolitan University-Manchester, UK, British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL)
- Sahan, K. (2019) Implementing English-medium instruction: Language policies and practices in engineering classrooms in Turkey, University of Copenhagen-Copenhagen, Denmark, EMI Practices in Europe
- Sahan, K. (2019) Implementing English-medium instruction: Language practices and preferences in engineering classrooms, Atlanta, USA, The 2019 conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL)
- Sahan, K. (2018) Implementing English-medium Instruction: Teachers as Language Policymakers, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, AILA-Europe Junior Researcher Meeting in Applied Linguistics
- Sahan, K. (2018) Teacher-Student Interactions in English-medium Classrooms: The Role of ELF and L1, King’s College London, UK, 1th International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca
Enterprise Activity, External Roles and Consultancy:
- EMI Oxford Research Group (Research Group Member)
- Teaching English and Teaching IN English in Global Contexts: An Online Global Network (Assistant Project Lead)