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Welcome from the Programme Director

Welcome to the Post Graduate Certificate in Early Years Practice with Early Years Teacher Status. We are delighted that you will be joining us in the 2024-2025 academic year, and we are looking forward to seeing you all in September. Please navigate around the site carefully to access key information. 

Jo Elsey

Post Graduate Certificate in Early Years Practice with Early Years Teacher Status  Programme Director

Programme contacts

Jo Elsey, Programme Director

Geoff Taggart, module convenor

Programme Administration email address



Your conditional offer

In order for your conditional offer to become unconditional you must address all the aspects of your offer including:

  • Proof of qualifications
  • Fitness to Teach
  • DBS

This must be done by enrolment. Please note that we will not be able to enrol you unless all conditions have been met. 

Please look out for the emails with instructions for obtaining your Fitness to Teach and your Enhanced DBS clearance. You should have provided the ID documents for your DBS check when you came for your interview but the admissions team will contact you if anything further is needed. Please respond to any emails from the team requesting information as quickly as possible.

Meeting these conditions takes time (in our experience, they often take far longer than expected). Please DO NOT leave it until the summer.  You risk running out of time and not being able to enrol. 

Preparation for your EY ITT year 

Please explore the resources on;

Equipment for your training

We try to keep printing for our university-based sessions to a minimum. This means that it is often useful if you can access materials electronically, either live from our VLE (Blackboard) or by downloading materials in advance and accessing them on a laptop or tablet during the session. These documents are very difficult to access effectively through a phone screen, so it is likely that you will want to be able to bring a laptop or table to sessions.

Information for International Students

If you are an international student joining the course, we recommend visiting the University’s Essentials website. There is a specifically designed section to support international students offering lots of advice and information on things like accommodation, opening up a bank account, health care, visas and even things like culture shock. 

You can also contact the International Student Advisory team for support on visas and immigration advice. 

Background information

The Early Years Teacher Status Standards: Please download the Standards and guidance.

Please read and begin to become familiar with the terminology.

These standards apply to all Early Years teachers regardless of their career stage and define the minimum level of practice expected of teachers from the point of being awarded EYTS onwards.


You should access, bookmark and begin to become familiar with these frameworks.

Pre-Programme Course information

  1. Child Development: irrespective of your experience you would benefit from reading or revisiting child development, how to support children’s development and different early years pedagogies.  
  2. Fundamental skills (literacy and numeracy): there are no longer any requirements to pass skills tests before starting your initial teacher education journey, however you will need to demonstrate these skills by the end of the year, so it is never too early to start

For Graduate entry students, those not currently working in an early years setting, we advise you access at least of of the following academic publications and the 'Theories of child development' article before you begin the programme.  

Literature to access:

  1. Key persons in early years: building relationships for quality provision in early years settings and primary schools. Peter Elfer, Elinor Goldschmeid, Dorothy Y Selleck, 2012, 2nd edition. 
  2.  An introduction to child development. Thomas R Keenan, Subhadra Evans, Kevin Crowley, 2016, 3rd edition. 
  3. Child development for early years students and practitioners. Sally Neaum, 2019, 4th edition. 
  4. Theories of child development, Professional Association for Childcare and Early years 2016. 

Subject knowledge 

All trainee Early Years teachers need to demonstrate certain standards of subject knowledge including child development and leadership of others. This requirement was introduced because there is overwhelming research evidence to show that secure knowledge is essential for Early Years teachers to support children’s learning. Early Years teachers feel more confident about effectively supporting children’s development when their own subject knowledge is good.

During the programme you will gain experience across the full birth to five age range in a variety of different early years settings. You will be fully supported, through taught sessions and individual help as required. Ongoing assessment will give you an indication of your strengths and areas for further work.

Pre-Course Exercise

In preparation of you beginning the programme please could you complete the following summer exercise. We would like you to bring your finished piece of work to the first session. 

Montage of cartoon-like images depicting the life journey of young people

These pictures were produced by young people who were asked to look at the significant events which have influenced them on their life journeys so far (and into the future). Produce your own picture and identify the milestones which determined the direction you have taken.

You can make it as colourful and creative as you like. It can be as small as A4 or much larger.