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Teams Quick Start Guide

Check if you have Teams

Teams is automatically installed on all university Windows owned devices, being part of the standard Windows build for new or rebuilt devices.

To check, Search 🔎 for Microsoft Teams in your Apps list.

Don't have Teams? how to get it

If you don't have Teams you can download the "Teams for Work and School" desktop app from here:

Alternatively, you can use the web version. Log in with your university email address and password:

Mac user? You can download the desktop app for Mac here (OS X 10.10+) or use the web version.

Linux user? Desktop app is available here or use the web version.

Smartphone or mobile user? You can download the Android or iOS client from your Store (search for Microsoft Teams). The app requires at least Android 4.4 or IOS 10.0. It is not available for Windows phones. Log in with your university email address and password.

Sign In

Once Teams has downloaded and installed, you will prompted to sign in.

To sign in, put in your university email address at the Teams prompt. As you have used a university email address, Teams will take you to the University log in page where your email address will be prefilled, so complete the log in with your university password.

The screenshots below show the log in process.

Start using Teams

Now you have Teams, here are a few things to try straight away. The links will take you to "How To" the Microsoft website.

Find and join a Team

Follow this link to find out how to find a Team and request to join it: Find and Join a Team

Request a new Team

If you need to order a new Team, please do this by logging a call with the IT Service Desk: Place a request - Office 365 Teams - Request a new Team.

Note: You don't need to be signed up to a Team or channel to be able to chat, make calls or have meetings with people.

Updated by lm920207 on 25/02/25