CAFM/Estates Systems
The current Estates management system (WREN) is approaching the end of its useful life and there is an opportunity to introduce a new, more robust, system.
There are a number of business critical University services that run through the system, including managing our buildings, scheduling and logging essential building maintenance as well as supporting critical health and safety processes, data and security operations.
This project aims to reduce the risk of system failure by replacing WREN with a modern CAFM (Computer Aided Facilities Management) system.
- Sustainable support model for a key University solution
- Compliance
- Reduced system complexity
- Reduced risk of disruption to Campus operations on campus
- Opportunity for significant process efficiency through a fit for purpose solution
Strategic Alignment
- Mitigation of Known Risk – technology risk
- Risk and Compliance – health and safety, security, legal (particularly GDPR compliance)
- Operational efficiency
Start | Finish |
Summer 2023 | Phase 1 2025 |
Introducing Concerto
This is a brief introduction to Concerto, the University’s new Estates management system.
Please watch the short introductory video or read the description below.
Concerto is a CAFM or computer aided facilities management system. It will help the Estates Directorate to manage all aspects of the estate at the University.
At the centre of the Estates Concerto hub is the Finance Interface, which allows for seamless billing of our estates transactions.
Concerto schematic - Finance Interface at the centre
Built around the interface are 5 key modules that make up the central hub.
Concerto central hub
- Core Data, where the bedrock of data on the University's estate is stored.
- Projects & Programmes, where we plan and execute our minor, intermediate and major projects.
- Reactive Maintenance, which allows us to manage our short notice daily maintenance tasks.
- Planned Maintenance, for planning and scheduling necessary changes in advance.
- Property Services, where we manage information related to our commercial and residential property assets.
Around the central hub, are 6 further modules. These modules support and inform the activities that take place in the central hub.
Concerto supporting modules
Those that govern aspects of health and safety throughout the Estates daily lifecycle include:
- Conditions Surveys
- Fire Risk Assessment
- Asbestos Surveys
- Hazardous Materials Surveys
- Permits to Work
Lastly there is the Stock Control module on which our maintenance tasks rely.
UoR Change Plan
Concerto is being delivered over a number of phases. The core functionality, as outlined in the section above, is planned to be delivered in Phase 1 during 2025.
Phase 1 delivery is broken down into three stages, outlined in the diagram below.
- Stage 1 - Build. An intense and significant stage of the project that encompasses: analysing and understanding key business processes, cleaning and uploading of the Estates data and designing and configuring Concerto to meet the needs of the University.
- Stage 2 – Training and Testing. In order for our users to be ready to test the new system and use it for daily Business As Usual (BAU) they will need the necessary training. Training classes, materials and resources, dependent on individual and team requirements will be made available during this stage of the project. Front runners on the project will utilise their acquired systems knowledge to test the freshly configured Concerto system and confirm that it is fit for purpose during User Acceptance Testing (UAT).
- Stage 3 – Cut-over. Once proved in testing and with users upskilled with Concerto knowledge, the system will go-live and take over from WREN.
Stage delivery model for Concerto
If you have any questions please email