Dr Christos Halios

(0) 118 378 4709
Lecturer In Sustainable Technologies
Module Convenor, Statistical analysis 2 (CE3STS),
Urban Microclimates (CEM223)
120Building location
Chancellor's BuildingAreas of interest
- Flows in the urban atmosphere across scales from building to neighbourhood and cities.
- Indoor air (ventilation, air quality)
- Interaction of solar radiation with urban trees/ evapotranspiration in the urban environment.
- Applied mathematical methods for analysis of environmental and energy data
CE3STS-Statistical analysis 2 (UG Year 3)
CEM223-Urban Microclimates (MSc)
Contributing to:
CEM10A - Research Skills (MSc)
CEM10/18/19B - Dissertation Supervision (MSc)
CE1EMA-Engineering Mathematics 1(UG Year 1)
CE3DPR-Design Project 3 (Ug Year 3)
CEM221-Energy in Buildings (MSc)
CEM226-ICT and Energy Management
CE3CCD - Dissertation Supervision (UG)
Research centres and groups
- Energy and Environmental Engineering Research Group
- Landscape Research group. A University of Reading Interdisciplinary Sustainable Landscapes Collaboration.
- Trees and Design Action Group – TDAG (https://www.tdag.org.uk/)
Research projects
- 2022: Partner in the research proposal “Movable Orchard Project: A Tree Focused Toolkit for Testing the Health of our Urban Vegetation” submitted for funding in the “Urban Greenspace and People Call” – RECLAIM network.
- 2022: Principal co-Investigator in the submitted for UROP (Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme) project “Do tree clustering arrangements affect the local microclimate? ”.
- 2021: Principal co-Investigator in the UROP project “Studying the effect of leaf-level biochemistry and canopy-level structural traits on spectral reflectance canopy measurements”.
- 2020: Principal Investigator in the project “Modification of the local microclimate by clusters of trees”. The project will be funded from the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (of the University of Reading UROP Reading).
Dr Halios’s research addresses questions on the urban atmospheric environment related to urban forms (i.e. buildings, green infrastructure), and urban functions (i.e. urban air quality). His research has particularly focused on the experimental and modelling study of the interaction between the urban form and atmospheric flows across scales from building to neighbourhood and cities as well as indoor ventilation; the urban trees – built environment interactions and the modification of the local microclimate by clusters of trees; and of the air quality in a wide range of indoor microenvironments such as residential premises, workplaces and healthcare facilities.
His research experience has been developed during collaboration with: UK Health Security Agency (Environmental Public Health Scientist: 2021-2022), University of Reading -School of Built Environment (Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Thermal Performance of Urban Trees: 2018-2021), University of Reading – Department of Meteorology (Postdoctoral Research Assistant : 2012-2017), Physikalisch-Meteorilogisches Observatorium Davos (PMOD)-World Radiation Center (Visiting Scientist: 2011 and 2012), University of Athens (Research Assistant: 2001-2011).
Academic qualifications
- PhD 2007 (University of Athens, Greece)
- MSc in Environmental Physics (University of Athens, Greece)
- Degree of Physics 1997 (University of Athens, Greece)
Professional bodies/affiliations
- Member of the International Association of Urban Climatology
- Member of UK Indoor Environments Group