PhD Practice in Curating is a ‘by distance’ programme that understands the doctoral cohort and faculty as a supportive environment of shared knowledge production.
We especially encourage applicants with a track record of curating, who are already curatorial professionals working in museums and galleries.
Doctoral candidates develop their curatorial research and writing skills, in conceiving, organizing, as well as carrying out independent and/or collaborative research in an environment that is dedicated to interdisciplinary exchange, and shared knowledge production.
The thesis and the projects are developed in close dialogue with the Programme Director - Professor Dorothee Richter and the second supervisor provided by research staff in Art.
PhD Practice in Curating is supported through regular reading groups, presentations, and exhibition tours. The doctoral cohort critically utilizes the editorships of the discipline leading journal OnCurating, edited by Richter, as well as the public symposia and conferences that the research platform supports with partners such as documenta, tba21 and ARCO Seoul. Recent iterations include conferences: De-Colonizing Art Institutions, supported by Kunstmuseum Basel; Curating in Feminist Thought, Migros Museum; Our Hegemonic Machines, Bucharest Biennial; Curating on the move, conference and workshop examining ecology and world-making with the Taipei Biennale in partnership City University, Hong Kong.
Published thesis from PhD Practice in Curating researchers can be found here or are retrievable from the British Library database EThOS.