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Stimulating learning environment

You'll find Reading School of Art the ideal place to practice, collaborate, create and reflect.

Seminar groups and studio crits

Studio crits are at the core of your master's training, with your work being reviewed and analysed by your tutors and peers. You will also lead your own studio seminars, presenting your work for critique in the context of your artistic interests and practice.

Visiting artists

We regularly host diverse range of internationally acclaimed visiting artists, bringing you exclusive lectures, guided workshops and one-to-one tutorials. Past contributors include Sanja Ivekovic, Sidsel Meineche Hansen and Katrina Palmer.

One-to-one tutorials

You will be guided through one-to-one tutorials with your tutors throughout your study. All master's students also have the opportunity to share and discuss your work in a on-to-one tutorial with one of our weekly visiting, internationally acclaimed artists.

External workshops

Our postgraduate environment extends out from Reading through our external exhibitions, symposia and workshops. Participate in our Asia network with opportunities to exhibit in Japan, China and South Korea.

Research-led teaching

Our research-led teaching offers opportunities for you to engage with exhibition and curatorial initiatives, theoretical texts and publication projects.

Collaborative environment

You'll develop your practice and research collaboratively, with events, performances, screenings and shared discussion across disciplines that create a social environment.

MA Fine Art

Our international MA Fine Art degree brings together postgraduate students from a diverse range of backgrounds and experience, and supports you in further developing your practice and critical thinking.

Your modules

You'll develop your technical and critical skills with practice-based work, combining studio practice, with modules in art, power and politics, mapping the art world and a dissertation project.


Our postgraduate environment extends out from Reading through our external exhibitions, symposia and workshops. Participate in our Asia exhibition network with opportunities to exhibit in Japan, China and South Korea.

Tate Exchange

Tate Modern is one of our partners, offering you the chance to get involved and deliver workshops and exhibitions at the Tate Exchange. 
Learn more about our collaborations at the Tate Exchange

MA Creative Enterprise

The MA Creative Enterprise: Art pathway allows you to combine your passion for art with studies in law, management and entrepreneurship.

Your modules

You'll explore modules in critical art practice and theory, and art, power and politics. You'll also have to opportunity to embark on an optional international study visit.

Entrepreneurial approach

You'll join a community of artists focused on the entrepreneurial opportunities within the art world, combining the study of management and entrepreneurship with critical art practice and theory.

Your development

You will be supported in developing your professional skills as an artist or entrepreneur. Complete your studies by refining your studio practice, writing a dissertation or undertaking a curatorial project.