Mission statement, aims and objectives
Mission statement
The purpose of the LRC is to support teaching, learning and research in the University, by developing and promoting access to information resources; and also to contribute to the wider world of scholarship and to the transfer of knowledge, by collaborating and co-operating with other organisations.
Planning space effectively
Acknowledging the situation of our existing buildings, formulating a long-term and holistic strategy for extending and remodelling our accommodation, whilst achieving any improvements to our buildings and environment possible in the meantime.
Exploiting IT effectively
Utilising to the full our library management system’s capabilities to integrate and streamline processes, promote and enhance collections, and improve and develop services (eg self service). Taking advantage of the increasing range of digital information resources available for the provision of the most appropriate information environment, with the best value mix of access and holdings.
Collaboration and co-operation
Participating in providing for local, regional, national and international needs in library and information resources and services. Also contributing to scholarship and knowledge transfer generally. As a start, sharing of resources and expertise with the University of Reading Library.
Managing effectively
Ensuring that we have effective and efficient administrative systems, procedures and policies for managing LRC personnel, finance, buildings, equipment and projects. And that these systems and procedures interface with others in the University to maximum effect and with minimum duplication of effort.
User-focused services and collections
Managing and developing our collections, services and facilities through consultation, liaison and benchmarking, and encouraging exploitation of resources through faculty/school awareness and information skills programmes and reference and enquiry services.
Staff training and development
Maintaining and developing LRC staff knowledge and skills via internal and external programmes of organised training and individual learning, and giving a high priority to management development, team working, IT skills and customer care.