Professor Richard Buckley

Areas of interest
Common law, especially negligence, nuisance and breach of statutory duty in the law of tort, and the operation of public policy in the law of contract.
Professor, University of Reading, since 1993. Formerly Fellow and Tutor in Law, Mansfield College, Oxford (1975-1993), Lecturer in Laws, King's College, London (1970-75).
Academic qualifications
M.A, D.Phil, DCL, Oxford
Selected publications
- The Law of Negligence (4th edn) 2005, (5th edn, sub. nom. The Law of Negligence and Nuisance, forthcoming 2011), LexisNexis
- Illegality and Public Policy (2nd edn) 2009, Sweet and Maxwell
- The Law of Nuisance (2nd edn) 1995, Sweet and Maxwell
- Also a contributing editor to Clerk and Lindsell on Torts, and formerly to Salmond and Heuston on Torts. Articles in legal periodicals.