Professor Alastair Hudson

Areas of interest
- Finance and Banking Law & Regulation
- Equity & Trusts Law
- Offshore Trusts and Tax Avoidance
- Derivatives, Securities, Investment and the Law
- Company Law
- Co-operatives and Law
- Property and Land Law
Alastair is the author of more than a hundred research outputs since 1991. He is the author of more than twenty books, many of which have gone into multiple editions and which have been relied upon by courts around the world. They include The Law of Finance (2nd ed, 2013), Equity & Trusts (10th ed, 2021), Securities Law (4th ed, 2022), The Law on Financial Derivatives (6th ed, 2018), The Law of Trusts (with Prof Geraint W Thomas, 2nd ed, 2010), The Law and Regulation of Finance (2nd ed, 2013), The Law on Investment Entities (2000), Swaps, Restitution and Trusts (1999), Towards A Just Society: Law, Labour and legal aid (1999), The Law on Homelessness (1997), Principles of Equity & Trusts (2nd ed, 2021), Great Debates in Equity & Trusts (2014), Understanding Equity & Trusts (6th ed, 2021), Understanding Company Law (2nd ed, 2016); and Trusts of Homes (2022) and Text, Cases and Materials on Equity & Trusts (2022). He is one of the authors of the eight-volume encyclopaedia Palmer’s Company Law (Part 5: Capital Issues and Part 5A OEICs, 1997-present). He has also edited several collections of essays, including: Credit Derivatives – Accounting and Regulatory Issues (2000), Multinational Financial Products, Derivatives and the Law (2000), New Perspectives on Property Law, Human Rights and the Home (2003) and New Perspectives on Property Law Obligations and Restitution (2003).
He was voted UK Law Teacher of the Year in 2008 and admitted as a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, of the National Teaching Fellowship Scheme and of the Royal Society of Arts in the same year. He practised law at the Bar and in financial institutions in the 1990s. He has advised the Labour Party since 1992 in a variety of areas, including legal aid and constitutional policy, and financial regulation, corporate law, offshore trusts and taxation policy.
He has been professor of law at Queen Mary University of London, University of Southampton, University of Exeter and University of Strathclyde where he was Head of School. Before that, he taught at King’s College London on a precarious basis. He has sat on committees and on aeroplanes, written books and social media posts, and occasionally tried to draw breath.Academic qualifications
LLB LLM PhD (Lond) FRSA FHEA, Barrister, National Teaching Fellow, UK Law Teacher of the Year.
Selected publications
- Equity and Trusts 10th ed, Routledge, 2021, 1,115pp +li
- Principles of Equity & Trusts 2nd ed, Routledge, 2021, 588pp +li
- Understanding Equity and Trusts, 6th ed, Routledge, 2021, 255pp
- Palmer’s Company Law, 25th edition, 1992-2014, Sweet & Maxwell, Part 5 ‘Capital Issues’ and Part 5A ‘OEICs’ (updated three times per year, rewritten 2021).
- The Law on Financial Derivatives 6th ed, Sweet and Maxwell, 2018, 1,020pp + lxxxvi
- Understanding Company Law, 2nd ed, Routledge, 2018, 291pp
- “Law as Capitalist Technique”, (2018) 29 Kings Law Journal, 58-87
- “Conscience as the Organising Concept of Equity” (2016) 2 Canadian Journal of Comparative and Contemporary Law, 261-299
- “Time for Radical Change in Our Corporate Laws”, (2016) 74 Socialist Lawyer 32-35
- “BHS and the Reform of Corporate Law, (2016) 37 Company Lawyer, 364-371
- Great Debates in Equity & Trusts, 1st ed, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, 257pp
- The Law and Regulation of Finance 2nd ed, Sweet & Maxwell, 2013, 1,691pp +clxxxiv
- Securities Law 2nd ed, Sweet & Maxwell, 2013, 874pp + cviii
- The Law of Finance “Classics Series”, 2nd ed, Sweet & Maxwell, 2013, 1,452pp +clv
- “The synthesis of public and private in finance law” in Private Law: Key Encounters with Public Law, K. Barker and D Jansen (eds), Cambridge University Press, 2013, p.231-264
- “Equity, confidentiality and the nature of property” in Concepts of Property in Intellectual Property Law, H. Howe and J Griffiths (eds), Cambridge University Press, 2013, p.94-115
- “Banking regulation and the ring-fence”, (2013) 107 Compliance Officer, 1-24
- “Asset Protection Trusts” in The International Trust, ed. D. Hayton, Jordans Publishing, 2011, p.345-522.
- “Trusts and finance law” in The International Trust, ed. D. Hayton, Jordans Publishing, 2011, p.635-690.
- The Law of Trusts, with Prof Geraint Thomas QC, 2nd ed, Oxford University Press, 2010, 1,681pp +ccxiv
- Charlesworth’s Company Law, with Prof Stephen Girvin and Dr Sandra Frisby, 18th ed, Sweet & Maxwell, 2010, 836pp