Dr Anja Rekeszus
Lecturer in German and Translation Studies
Miller 126Building location
Miller BuildingAreas of interest
I am interested in how storytelling in the broadest sense acts as an interface between humans and the more-than-human environment, in particular how we view and identify with landscapes and animals.
My research background is in Romanticism, fairy tales, and women’s writing, which continue to inform my research practice; my PhD thesis considered how German women writers of the nineteenth century conveyed their sociopolitical views through fairy tales. I am currently working to deepen my understanding of women’s Romanticism from an ecocritical point of view while also working on several projects investigating human-animal relationships.
I am also interested in expanding my experience of policy research; previously, I have worked on BA-commissioned research regarding language skills in researchers.
I teach a broad range of modules within German and Modern Languages. I am the module convenor for German Beginners’ and Intermediate courses, and I teach on German and translingual culture modules as well the Environmental Humanities Foundation module.
Module Convenor:
- GM1L1
- GM2L2/GM2L1
- GM3L6 (Translation)
Research projects
- With Dr Becks Spake (Ecology): “Leveraging Wild Deer to Enhance Nature Connectedness in Children”. Funded by UoR’s Environmental Humanities Collaboration Fund.
- “Towards Narratives of Nature Affinity: The Romanticism of German Women”. British Academy application with UoR (stage 2).
- As an Inclusion, Participation and Engagement Fellow: “Retelling the Urban Fox: A Collaborative Fairy Tale”. School of Advanced Studies, London.