Dr Cherilyn Elston

+44 (0) 118 378 7325
Associate Professor
Research leave (Semester 1, 24-25)
Spanish Programme Director, (Semester 2, 24-25)
Miller 118Building location
Miller buildingAreas of interest
I research Colombian history, literature and culture, with a particular focus on women’s writing, gender and the armed conflict, and, more recently, exile and the Colombian diaspora. My PhD thesis analysed the history of women’s writing in Colombia and its relationship to feminist theory and activism, studying poetry, novels and testimonio published by understudied Colombian women writers from the 1970s to the present. This formed the basis of my first monograph, Women’s Writing in Colombia – An Alternative History (Palgrave Macmillan 2016), which was awarded the 2018 Montserrat Ordóñez prize by the Colombia section of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA).
My current project focuses on the memory activism of Colombian refugees, migrants and exiles during the most recent peace process, exploring how they have challenged the invisibility of exile within Colombia’s conflict narratives. I am also interested in the literary and cultural production of Colombian migrants and exiles and have published on arts-based memory and transitional justice initiatives in Colombia. I was a member of the UK and Ireland Hub supporting the work of the Colombian Truth Commission in the UK and have received funding from the AHRC and Research England to co-design participatory research projects with Colombian refugee and migrant groups in London.
My interests also include literary translation. My published translations include Southerly — Charco Press by Argentinean writer Jorge Consiglio (Charco Press 2017), ‘Mangrove Nights’ by Colombian poet Mary Grueso Romero (Wasafiri, 35:4 2020) and ‘Lily of the Valley’ by Colombian writer Daniel Ferreira (Wasafiri, 35:4 2020).
Postgraduate supervision
I welcome enquiries concerning research supervision in any of my areas of research interest.
Completed supervisions:
Dr Katerina Valdivia Bruch: The Quest for Representation: The Experimental Art Scene in Lima under Peru’s Military Government (1968-1975) (completed in 2024).
I co-teach on two first-year modules: ‘SP1MSLA: The Making of Modern Spain and Latin America’ and ‘SP1SLAC: Introduction to Spanish and Latin American Culture’.
I convene and teach a second-year module on the relationship between literature and social change in Spain and Latin America in the twentieth century (SP2LS: Literature and Society in the Modern Hispanic World).
I convene and teach a final-year module on the Colombian armed conflict and how this has been narrated in historical and cultural texts (SP3NCC: Narrating the Colombian Conflict).
I also teach Spanish language classes and translation from Spanish to English.
Research projects
I am co-chair of Reading’s Latin American and Caribbean Research Network (R-LAC).
Academic qualifications
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
- PhD in Latin American Studies (Cambridge)
- MPhil in Latin American Studies (Cambridge)
- BA (Hons) in Modern History and English (Oxford)