Dr Catriona McAllister

+44 (0) 118 378 8331
Associate Professor
Year Abroad Co-ordinator for the Department
Miller 130Building location
Miller buildingAreas of interest
My research focuses on Argentine literature and culture, with a particular emphasis on ideas of nationhood and relationships between history and literature. I am currently working on the representation of historical narratives in Argentine museums and the representation of history in cultural production for children. I have also recently been involved in a research collaboration with Red Puna, an organisation in the north-west of Argentina.
I have published a monograph on rewritings of independence in contemporary Argentine literature, exploring the relationship between history, politics and literature in a corpus of six texts. I have also written on literary representations of the Falklands/Malvinas conflict within Argentina.
I am on the committee of Reading’s Latin American and the Caribbean research network (R-LAC) and co-Treasurer for the national Society for Latin American Studies. I am an Associate Editor for the Bulletin of Contemporary Hispanic Studies.
Postgraduate supervision
Completed supervisions:
- Emma Jackson (Department of Languages and Cultures): The Use of Objects in the Construction, Expression and Negotiation of Identities: A Case Study of Maya Dolls from Mexico and Guatemala (March 2020)
- Jeff Gonzalez (Department of Languages and Cultures): Globalization in the Lukumi Orisha Diaspora (2023)
- Begoña Garrido (Department of Languages and Cultures): Were all Basque women ‘La Pasionaria’? Negotiating gendered spaces in working-class Basque women’s testimonies of Bizkaia, under Franco (1937-1949) (2024)
I co-teach SP1MSLA (The Making of Modern Spain and Latin America), which is one of our first-year modules.
I convene and teach a second-year module on Latin America’s history and culture in the 19th century, placed in global context (SP2TT, Transatlantic Exchanges).
I convene and co-teach a final-year module on dictatorship, memory and cultural production in Latin America’s Southern Cone (SP3MDR).
I also contribute to department-wide modules and to Spanish language teaching.
Academic qualifications
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
- PhD in Latin American Studies (Cambridge)
- MA in Latin American Studies (Salamanca)
- BA (Hons) in Modern Languages (Oxford)