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Dr David Carter


As Head of Institute my role is to set ISLI's direction and to promote its role, within and beyond the University, as the delivery unit for our global engagement strategy.

Areas of interest

  • I have a keen interest in higher education policy, and especially its impact on students and teaching. I have contributed articles and blog posts for the Higher Education Policy Institute and Wonkhe. I occasionally give talks on aspects of higher education policy and strategy at seminars and CPD events.
  • I still maintain modest teaching and research interests in Classics. You can see my departmental home page (including a list of publications) here. In 2021-22, I was part of a Quality Assurance Agency panel, which revised the Subject Benchmark Statement for Classics and Ancient History.


  • I came to the University of Reading in 2004 as a Lecturer in Classics and for eight years I held a number of teaching-related roles in that Department. In 2011 I was promoted to Associate Professor and the following year I became Associate Dean for Teaching and Learning in what was then the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science. During this time I became increasingly interested in the ways in which the University engages globally: especially in international partnership activity and the teaching of modern languages. When (in 2015) the University dispensed with its faculty structure, I became a Teaching and Learning Dean with responsibility for Internationalisation. I left this role in 2017 to join ISLI.
  • I became a University Teaching Fellow in 2012 and a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in 2016.

Academic qualifications

  • MA in Classics (Cambridge)
  • PhD in Greek Literature (Nottingham)
  • PGCE in Music (Birmingham City)

Selected publications

  • 2022 Westminster Higher Education Forum, online: 'Maximising the potential of the Turing Scheme'
  • 2021 Westminster Higher Education Forum, online: 'Boosting student mobility beyond Europe'
  • 2019 British Council delegation organised for the Chinese Ministry of Education, Reading: 'International preparatory courses and their quality assurance'
  • 2018 Inside Government conference on Raising Standards of Transnational Higher Education, London: 'Successfully transitioning from a joint programme into a joint institute'
  • 2018 PedRIO conference on Institutional and Subject Excellence, Plymouth: 'What is teaching excellence and why should it matter?'
  • 2018 British Council delegation organised for the Chinese Ministry of Education, Reading: 'The quality assurance of transnational education'

Contact information:

Telephone: 0118 378 6473


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