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Shovonlal Roy

  • Research in ecosystem modelling and satellite remote sensing, leading the Marine Ecosystem Science Research Group  
  • UG and PG teaching, including Quantitative Analysis of Environmental Data; Ecosystems Modelling
  • UG Dissertation Coordinator
  • Research supervisor of UG, PG and PhD students
  • Academic tutor of UG and PG students 

Areas of interest

  • Dynamical systems and ecological modelling
  • Satellite remote sensing and bio-optical algorithms
  • Data assimilation in ecosystem models
  • Biogeochemical modelling and remote sensing of ocean carbon and bio-diversity
  • Satellite applications to fish dynamics, and fisheries

Postgraduate supervision

Shovon currently supervises or co-supervises the following postgraduate projects:

  • Climate change and harmful algal growth using laboratory experiments, satellite remote sensing and biogeochemical modelling. 2020- Lead supervisor
  • A model of ocean biogeochemistry with allelopathy as a driving force of phytoplankton dynamics and biodiversity. 2020- Lead supervisor
  • Energy transfer in marine ecosystems based on phytoplankton size structure from satellite remote sensing. NERC-SCENARIO DTP with CASE from CEFAS studentship 2018- Lead Supervisor.
  • Marine biogeochemical model with explicit representation of phytoplankton functional types. Bakrie Centre Foundation International studentship 2015-2019. Lead supervisor. (Completed)
  • Individual-based model of North Sea fish using satellite remote sensing. NERC-SCENARIO DTP with CASE from CEFAS studentship 2015. Lead supervisor. (Completed)
  • Predicting the numbers and location of seabass for sustainable management. NERC-SCENARIO DTP with CASE from CEFAS studentship 2017=2021. Co-supervisor. (Submitted)
  • Millennial-Scale History of Amazon Forest Dynamics. NERC-SCENARIO DTP with CASE from CEFAS studentship 2017. Co-supervisor.
  • Parameter estimation and inverse problem for reactive transport modes in bioirrigated sediments. NERC-SCENARIO DTP studentship 2015-2019. Co-supervisor. (Completed).
  • Amazonia and the 6k Drought. University of Reading PhD Studentship 2014-2018. Co-supervisor. (Completed).
  • Amazonia under mid-holocene drought. NERC-SCENARIO DTP - PhD studentship 2014-2018. Co-supervisor. (Completed).
  • Monitoring and Management of Drought in Iraq. International PhD studentship 2014-2017. Co-supervisor. (Completed).

Research projects

  • NERC and Innovate UK – Research Project 2015–2018: "Knowledge Transfer Partnership grant between The University of Reading & Armajaro Asset Management LLP" (Co-Investigator)
  • Royal Society of London – Research Project 2017–2020: “Marine autotrophic biodiversity combining ocean colour and molecular genetics” (Principal Investigator)
  • European Space Agency – Research project 2015-–2017: "Pools of Carbon in the Ocean" (Co-Investigator, completed)
  • HEFCE project 2016: "Data Driven Free-School Fishing", demonstration project jointly with the Institute for Environmental Analytics University of Reading and Sainsbury's (completed).


  • Shovon is an ecosystem modeller, specialising in satellite remote sensing applications to ecosystems. His research was funded, both nationally and internationally, by research councils and charities, e.g. the Royal Society of London, the European Space Agency, the Natural Environment Research Council UK, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Partnership of Observation of Global Oceans, the Nippon Foundation of Japan.
  • Shovon is currently an Associate Editor of Remote Sensing in Earth Systems Sciences (Springer, 2016-) and a Review Editor of Frontiers in Marine Science (2014-).
  • He was an Associate Editor of Remote Sensing for Ecology and Conservation (Wiley, 2014-2017)
  • Shovon is a Member of the GEO Blue Planet WG on EO for Water-Associated Diseases and the GEO-BON WG on Ecosystem Function. He has been an Associate Researcher at Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science (2016)
  • Shovon has worked on several research projects and consortiums including: Ocean Colour Climate Change Initiative; Bio-optical modelling using in-situ and remote sensing data for estimating phytoplankton size classes and functional types; Ecosystem model to estimate phytoplankton size spectrum from remotely-sensed ocean colour data; Space-time model of marine primary production using remote-sensing based ocean colour data; Modelling evolutionary food-webs using body size and habitat preference of a species as adaptive traits; Mathematical modelling of marine ecosystems based on field data and remote sensing; Regional-scale primary production and applications to ecosystem dynamics; Mathematical modelling of plankton ecology, population ecology and eco-epidemiology.
  • Shovon obtained a BSc (Hons) in Mathematics, an MSc in Applied Mathematics and a PhD in ecological modelling using non-linear dynamics. Prior to joining the University of Reading, he worked on various research projects at different institutes including the International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis, Austria, the University of Manchester, UK, the Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Canada, the University of Oxford and the Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK

Earlier publications

Complete list of peer-reviewed publications by Shovonlal Roy can be found here.


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