Nanoscience and Materials

Nanotube tip


The  NanoScience and Materials Theme at the University of Reading is an interdisciplinary activity involving experts drawn together to employ advances in nanoscale science in tackling pressing problems related to science, technology and the environment.

The Centre for Advanced Microscopy has a key role within this theme as it provides the essential facilities and expertise for imaging the nanoscale world.

NanoScience and Technology research is an inherently interdisciplinary activity which is challenging and rewarding. The research draws on the diverse expertise within the University, and elsewhere, to enable problems to be viewed from differing angles. At Reading the current research effort is largely in the direction of nanoscale or nanostructured materials both in their synthesis, fabrication and their deployment in technology. The activity may be grouped into the following themes:-

Catalysis, Sensors and Data Storage

Polymer Nanostructures

Bioscience and Pharmaceuticals

Biomimetic Nanostructures

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