
EnviroPOLY is a new research programme at the University of Reading which is focused on reducing the scale and scope of the environmental impact of plastic and rubber based materials and products.

LandscapeThe EnviroPOLY programme is tackling these global issues by:

  •  Developing intelligent processing to enhance the properties of sustainable polymers
  • Exploring how polymers from unsustainable sources can be replaced
  • Understanding how plastic waste enters the environment
  • Inventing new routes to recycling plastics and rubber products
  • Providing consultancy and development services


We currently have three programmes underway which include partnerships with industry and involves  (Chemistry), Dr Liz Shaw  (Soil Science) and (CfAM).

HVALPOLY High value products from sustainable polymers is a programme centred on the use of polymers which are made from renewable resources and which are biodegradable. Typically such materials have modest properties which limit their application to low value products. We are using our expertise in processing to generate controlled structures with defined properties to identify and pursue routes to products with enhanced properties. This will enable more widespread use of these materials which have a much lower impact on the environment.

RURPOLY Recycling the unrecyclable

Recycling materials is a valuable pathway to limiting environmental impact. This is particularly the case at present whilst we undergo the transition to the use of more sustainable systems. There are a variety of materials which are very difficult to recycle due to cross-linking such car tyres and foams or as a consequence of mixed polymer types. We are making excellent progress in identifying alternative routes to recycle such materials in to useful products.

LEEP Limiting environmental exposure to polymers is an exploratory programme to develop an outline model for the critical pathways by which fragmented polymer particulates enters the environment. The objective is to identify potential control gateways to minimise the volume of polymer debris which enters the environment and to provide a framework for future work.


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