Bioanalytical Sciences

Blood plateletsThe Bioanalytical Sciences  research area brings together scientists from across various disciplines at the University of Reading, whose research is focused on the development and application of biomolecular analytical methods in the life sciences. These methods are pivotal in today's post-genomic research, in fields such as metabolomics, proteomics and transcriptomics, and provide crucial data for the modern, emerging sciences of quantitative biology, systems/integrative biology and systems medicine. Our research is both fundamental and applied, conducted at the molecular level and underpins all modern life sciences. It informs mathematical modelling of biological systems with qualitative and quantitative data. CfAM contributes to this partnership through the provision of advanced microscopy techniques including scanning electron microscopy, x-ray imaging, transmission electron microscopy, infra-red, Raman and visible light microscopy, confocal microscopy and scanning probe microscopy including atomic force microscopy.

The Bioanalytical Sciences is coordinated by Professor Rainer Cramer and Dr Liam McGuffin. The CfAM contact is .

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