Professor Jane Setter

+44 (0) 118 378 6089
Professor of Phonetics
School Director of Academic Tutoring;
School TEF Lead
BA Admissions/Recruitment Officer
Areas of interest
National Teaching Fellow of Advance HE and Senior Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy, Jane is a member of the Council of the International Phonetic Association (IPA), on the editorial board of the Journal of Second Language Pronunciation, and on the advisory panel of Babel: The Language Magazine, to which she contributes regular columns “Giving Voice A Voice” and “A Clash Of Symbols”. She is a regular contributor to the University College London Summer Course in English Phonetics and has acted as an examiner for the IPA Certificate of Proficiency in the Phonetics of English.
Jane is School Director of Academic Tutoring and Departmental Admissions and Recruitment Officer. Her outreach activities include visiting schools to give talks to students and organising and teaching on our INSET course for teachers of A level English Language. She has also run refresher courses in Grammar and Phonetics for Speech and Language Therapists with colleagues in the School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences.
Jane is probably best known as co-editor of the eighteenth edition of the Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary (CUP, 2011), for her popular science book Your Voice Speaks Volumes: It’s not what you say but how you say it (OUP, 2019) and, most recently, for the Cambridge Handbook of Phonetics (CUP, 2021). Her main research interests are English phonetics and phonology, English pronunciation and intelligibility (including in World and learner Englishes), phonology in atypical speech populations (specifically Williams syndrome), and phonetics and phonology in Hong Kong English; her particular interest is in prosodic aspects of speech such as rhythm and intonation. She has held UK and international research grants and published widely, and is a popular keynote speaker, both at home and abroad.
Jane also works on aspects of teaching and learning in Higher Education, both in phonetics/phonology and in other aspects of quality assurance and quality enhancement, including working with students as partners in the curriculum, education for sustainable development, and on aspects of student employability. She acts as external examiner and on periodic review panels for universities in the UK and internationally and collaborates with colleagues worldwide on aspects of teaching and learning.
Postgraduate supervision
Jane supervises students in phonetics (particularly suprasegmental features), pronunciation teaching and learning and related areas. Topics have included speech rhythm in Setswana, consonant cluster processes in Najdi Arabic, intonation in Malay speaker English and aspects of teaching and assessing the pronunciation of English as a lingua franca.
Jane teaches the following modules:
· LSMFLS: Foundations of Language Study - English Phonology content
· LS2ANS: Analysing Speech
· LS2EP: English Phonology
· LS1SG: Sounds, Grammar and Meaning - Phonetics content.
Research centres and groups
- Associate Member of Centre for Literacy and Multilingualism (CeLM)
Academic qualifications
- BA (Hons) Language Studies & English (Leeds)
- MA Linguistics & English Language Teaching (Leeds)
- PhD (Reading).