- 8th January 2008. Learning through Assessment
Teaching and assessment of curriculum skills. - 18th December 2007. Improving the Student Work Placement Year.
How to entice students and employers to work placements. - 6th September 2007. Bioscience Representatives Forum.
Engage – a new interactive website for life science undergraduate students - 2nd July 2007. International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 4th Annual Conference, Sydney.
Research skills audit tool:an online resource to map research skills within undergraduate curricula - 19th June 2007. Science Teaching and Learning Conference.
Research Skills Audit Tool: an online resource to map research skills within undergraduate curricula. - 1st June 2007. University of Chester's Teaching Conference.
CETL-AURS Research skill auditing - March 2007.
UROP at the University of Reading - 11th January 2007. Centre for Career Management Skills Conference:What can the curriculum do for careers?
Skills Mapping:Linking curriculum development and employability. - 1st November 2006. Careers Advisory Service.
CEL-AURS Skills mapping project. - 6th September 2006. Bioscience Representatives Forum.
Using Profile for research skills mapping.
Dr Gillian Rose

Director of Teaching and Learning, Associate Professor
- Placement co-ordinator for the School of Agriculture, Policy and Development, supporting students in all aspects of applying for 12 month work placements.
- Organisation of annual SAPD Careers Fair.
Areas of interest
- Crop physiology, particularly in relation to climate change
- Pedagogy, including feedback and using technology to enhance learning
- Student work placements and the benefits
My research interests are in crop physiology, particularly environmental (including climate change) impacts on crop growth and development. More recently, I have used crop modelleling techniques to assess the impact of a range of climate change scenarios (see publications for more details).
I am also heavily involved in pedagogic research, working closely with colleagues throughout the University of Reading and the UK, including the Higher Education Academy. I am particularly interested in assignment feedback and the use of technology to assist this.