Annalisa Marzano

+44 (0) 118 378 6991
Research Division Lead
Areas of interest
Professor Manzano's research interests rest in the sphere of Roman social and economic history. Recent and current areas of investigation are:
- Roman economy: Professor Manzano works on different aspects of the Roman economy including ancient agriculture and horticulture, continuity and disruption in the exploitation of economic resources, settlement patterns, and trade. For more information visit the Classics Research Area: Roman Economy page.
- Roman villas: her research has explored the ideology of the villa and its production as depicted in the texts of Latin authors; the varied nature of capital investments; and how the social function of villas changed throughout the centuries.
- Marine resources, large-scale fishing, and aquaculture: Professor Marzano is an expert on Roman marine aquaculture and large-scale fishing and her research has brought attention to the importance the exploitation of marine resources had in the ancient economy.
Postgraduate supervision
Professor Marzano is happy to discuss proposals in any area connected to the Roman economy and society (both in the Republic and Empire).
Current PhD students:- Jessica Feito, "Detecting Regional Variation in the Roman Diet"
As second supervisor:
- Maria Lloyd, "The Severi and their political messages".
- Orazio Camaioni, "Varro's Antiquitates Rerum Humanarum"
- Mick Stringer, "The impact of definitions and recording systems on economic decision-making in the Roman world"
- Roberta Ferritto, "The Roman maritime villas of southern Lazio: Construction, Design and Connection to the Sea"
- Mauro Serena, "The many images of the Achaemenids at Rome (205 CBE-224 CE)"
- Lee Grana Nicolaou, "The fishing industry in Roman Britain".
Research centres and groups
- Communities and Networks research cluster, University of Reading
- Centre for Institutions and Economic History, University of Reading
- International Research Network 'Structural Determinants of Economic Performance in the Roman World'
- Ancient Religions, University of Reading
- Material Culture, University of Reading.
Research projects
Field experience:
Since 2018 Professor Marzano has been co-directing the "Casa della Regina Carolina Project" at Pompeii. The project is surveying the elite dwelling located at VIII 3.14 (only partly excavated in the 19th century) and excavating the garden area.
Past archaeological projects include:
- The Apolline Project, Naples/Italy 2009-13
- Dakhleh Oasis Project, Amheida/Egypt 2008
- Post Aedem Castoris Project, Rome/Italy 2005
- Euesperides Project, Benghazi /Libya 2005
- Restoring Ancient Stabiae, Castellamare di Stabia/Italy 2001, 2002
- Chianciano Terme, Siena/Italy 1995–2000
- Poggibonsi, Siena/Italy; 1993
- Chianti Field Survey, Chianti/Italy 1992
- Massa Marittima, Grosseto/Italy 1989–1991
- Archaeological Laboratory, Florence/Italy 1988–1990.
Before her appointment at Reading, Professor Marzano taught at Columbia University and the University of Oxford. At Oxford she was Research Assistant at the Institute of Archaeology (2004–2008), Research Staff for the Oxford Roman Economy Project (2005–2008), and W. Golding Research Fellow at Brasenose College (2005–2008).
Academic qualifications
Laurea cum laude (Florence); MPhil; PhD with distinction (Columbia); SFHEA, FRHistS, FSA, MAE.Websites/blogs
A complete list of publications and conference papers can be found on her page.