Phil Knight

+44 (0) 118 378 8017
- Director of Research
- Part 1: Pathology: Introduction to Human Disease
- Part 2: Endocrinology; Immunology
- Part 3: Mammalian Reproduction; Selected Topics in Endocrinology and Endocrine Disease; Therapeutics 3; Cancer.
Research centres and groups
Member of the Impact, Enterprise and Outreach
- Case Studies: Development of an ultra-sensitive immunoassay for Inhibin-A and its utility as a clinical screening marker for Down's syndrome.
- Joint Holder of licensed patent (GB 97/01880; Diagnosis of Pre-eclampsia)
- Purification of bioactive protein for a commercial supplier
Research projects
- Funding primarily from BBSRC, MAFF (now DEFRA);
- 13 major grants (£3.3M) over career; PI on 10 successive BBSRC grants (1987-2012).
- Supervision of 20 PhD and 2 MSc students
- Understanding the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis and regulation of fertility in mammals and birds
- Interactions between endocrine and intra-ovarian factors that regulate ovarian follicle development and steroidogenesis (primarily bovine model).
- Development of immunoassays for bioactive peptides, proteins and steroids
- Purification of ovarian peptides (inhibins, activins, follistatins)
Awards and honours
Esteem Factors
- H-index 40
- 13 invited conference presentations
- Editorial Board, Journal of Endocrinology journal (1992-2005)
- BBSRC Animal Sciences Committee (co-opted member 2001-2005)
- MAFF Research and Development Review Panel: Reproduction (1998)
- BBSRC targeted priority studentship committee member (2006)
- External referee for BBSRC and MRC - Quinquennial assessment of the Human Reproductive Sciences
- Patent with ISIS Innovation Ltd, University of Reading and Oxford Brookes University. Inventors: Groome, Knight, Ledger, Muttukrishna and Redman. Title of patent: 'Diagnosis of Pre-Eclampsia'. British Patent Application number 9614615.4, International Patent Application on the above patent (PCT/GB97/01880). The Patent was licenced by Oxford Bio-Innovations
Professional bodies/affiliations
International Collaborators
- Prof JH Roche (UCD; Dublin)
- Prof JJ Ireland (MSU, Michigan, USA)
- Dr JC Mariana and Dr M Blanc (INRA, Nouzilly, France)
- Dr D Vanmontfort and Prof E DeKuypere (Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium)
- Dr TJ Parkinson (Massey University, New Zealand)
- Dr AC Evans (UCD, Dublin)
- Dr W Holtz (University of Goettingen, Germany)
- Dr R Butler (Cornell University, USA)
- Professor V Padmanabahn (University of Michigan, USA)
- Prof RJ Rodgers (University of Adelaide, Australia)
- Prof R Ivell (Leibnitz Institute for Farm Animal Biology, Dumersdorf, Germany)
- Dr RA Bathgate (Howard Florey Institute, University of Melbourne, Australia)
National Collaborators
- Prof NP Groome (Oxford Brookes)
- Dr M Mihm (Glasgow University)
- Dr PA Fowler and Prof Alan Templeton (Aberdeen University)
- Dr JE Webley and Prof JP Hearn (Institute of Zoology, London)
- Dr HM Charlton, FRS and Dr M Abel (Oxford University)
- Prof Sir N Wald (St Barts, London)
- Dr J Lockwood (Oxford University)
- Prof WR Robertson (University of Manchester)