Mike Fry

+44 (0) 118 378 7028
Associate Professor
Associate Professor in Biomedical Sciences
- Part 1: The living Cell, The Living Cell 2, Laboratory and Study Skills for Biomedicine
- Part 2: Science Communication, Life and Death of a Cell, Molecular Biology of the Gene, Protein Structure and Function.
- Part 3: Cell Communication and Disease, Cancer
Research centres and groups
Member of Impact, Enterprise and Outreach
- Joint Inventor on several patents linked to phosphoinositide 3-kinase research
- Host annual training day for British Biology Olympiad Finalists, Hosted BBO UK finals in 2013
- Local Ambassador for the Biochemical Society
Research projects
- Funding from British Heart Foundation
- Development of a mathematical model of platelet signalling and function - the Virtual Platelet - for in silico experimentation, drug discovery and diagnosis.
- Analysis of the non-genomic functions of histone deacetylases in cellular signalling using proteomic approaches - platelets as a model system.
- Analysis of phosphoinositide 3-kinases in cancer
- Evolution of cellular signalling systems
Professional bodies/affiliations
Local Collaborators
- Prof. Jon Gibbins, School of Biological Sciences
- Dr Chris Jones, School of Biological Sciences
- Dr Marcus Tindall, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
- Dr Fazil Baksh, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
- Dr Philippa Darbre, School of Biological Sciences
International Collaborators
- Dr Bernard Payrastre, Inserm U1048, I2MC and Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France
National Collaborators
- Prof. Marco Falasca, Queen Mary University, London
- Dr Tania Maffuccci, Queen Mary University, London
Selected publications
Pre 2003
Fry MJ. Phosphoinositide 3-kinase signalling in breast cancer: how big a role might it play? (2001) Breast Cancer Res. 3: 304-12.