Kim Watson

+44 (0) 118 378 6640
- Professor in Structural Biochemistry
Building location
HLS Room 2.02Teaching
- Part 1: Foundation Biology
- Part 2: Protein Structure and Function
- Part 3: Structural Proteomics and Synthetic Biology
Research centres and groups
Member of
- Institute for Cardiovascular & Metabolic Research
- Molecular & Cellular Medicine Group
Research projects
- Funding from BBSRC, Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine, Diamond Light Source, Industry
- Unravelling sequence-structure-function relationships of proteins
- Drug discovery using computer-aided and structure-based approaches
- Protein engineering for industry
- Understanding molecular mechanisms of disease
- Bile acid metabolism, lipid profiling and health
- Gut-liver-brain axis and health
Awards and honours
Esteem Factors
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology and Chartered Biologist
- Fellow Member, Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
- Visiting Scientist, MRC Harwell International Centre for Mouse Genetics
- Visiting Scientist, Diamond Light Source
Professional bodies/affiliations
Impact, Enterprise and Outreach
- Consultant to Industry for computational and structural biology for drug discovery and engineering enzymes for biotechnology
- Development of lead compounds and pharmacophores for drug discovery
- Development and delivery of biopharma skills training for Industry
- Experience of working with a number of Government organisations
- Numerous outreach activities to promote student awareness of STEM research
- Highlighted in 'Women in Research', a photographic exhibition to celebrate women in research at the University of Reading
International Collaborators
- Prof. Gabriele Cruciani, University of Perugia, Italy
- Dr. Edda Battaglia, Gastroenterology, Cardinal Massaia Hospital, Asti, Italy
National Collaborators
- Prof. Glenn Gibson, Food Biosciences, University of Reading
- Dr. Eva Kevei, Biological Sciences, University of Reading
- Prof. Heather Mortiboys, Sheffield Institute of Translational Neuroscience
- Prof. Oliver Bandmann, Consultant Neurologist, Sheffield Institute of Translational Neuroscience
- Dr. Roger Cox, MRC Harwell International Centre for Mouse Genetics
Study for a PhD with Professor Kim Watson
Selected publications
Pre 2005
Watson KA, Johnson LNJ, Leoffen P, Gillham D, Eggleston D, Collins P, Moynihan JM, DTI government report (2004) "Structural Genomics in Japan and China" following invitation to coordinate and lead a fully funded DTI mission. The report describes the findings from a DTI funded mission to China and Japan to explore emerging HTP technologies and provide opportunities for UK collaboration/technology transfer.
Brown, K., Carpenter E., Watson, KA, Coggins, JR, Hawkins, AR, Koch, MH, Svergun, DI. (2003) "Twists and turns: a tale of two shikimate-pathway enzymes." Biochem. Soc. Trans., 31, 543-547.
Nathalie Marchand-Geneste, Kimberly A. Watson, Bjorn K. Alsberg, and Ross D. King, (2002) "New Approach to Pharmacophore Mapping and QSAR Analysis Using Inductive Logic Programming. Application to Thermolysin Inhibitors and Glycogen Phosphorylase b Inhibitors".J. Med. Chem., 45, 399-409.
Katerina Tsitsanou, Nikos G. Oikonomakos, Spiros E. Zographos, V. Skamnaki, Mary Gregoriou, Kimberly A. Watson, Louise N. Johnson, George W.J. Fleet, Protein Science, 1999, 8, 741-749. "Effect of commonly used cryoprotectants on glycogen phosphorylase activity and structure"
Kimberly A. Watson, Claire McCleverty, Silvano Geremia, Silvain Cottaz, Hughes Driguez, Louise N. Johnson, The EMBO Journal, 1999, 18, 4619. "Phosphorylase recognition and phosphorylysis of its oligosaccharide substrate: Answers to a long outstanding question"
Mark O'Reilly, Kimberly A. Watson, Louise N. Johnson, Biochemistry, 1999, 38, 5337-5345. "The crystal structure of the E.coli maltodextrin phosphorylase-acarbose complex"
Marc O'Reilly, Kimberly A. Watson, Reinhard Schinzel, Dieter Palm and Louise N. Johnson, Nature Structural Biology, 1997, 4, 405-412. "Oligosaccharide substrate binding in Escherichia colimaltodextrin phosphorylase"
Manuel Pastor, Gabriele Cruciani and Kimberly A. Watson, J. Med. Chem., 1997, 40, 4089-4102. "A Strategy for the Incorporation of Water Molecules Present in a Ligand-Binding Site into a 3D-QSAR Analysis"
Kimberly A. Watson, Reinhard Schinzel, Deiter Palm and Louise N. Johnson, The EMBO Journal, 1997, 16, 1-14. "The crystal structure of Escherichia coli maltodextrin phosphorylase provides an explanation for the activity without control in this basic archetype of a phosphorylase"