McGuffin Group Web Servers
Prediction of protein structures, functions and interactions
Prof. Liam J. McGuffin
About the servers
This is the main page for the McGuffin bioinformatics group web servers. Several protein structure and function prediction methods are freely available. Please cite the relevant publications for each method. References for methods can be found on each server home page.This website is free and open to all users and there is no login requirement.
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Predict the quaternary structures of proteins.ModFOLDdock
Estimate the quality of quaternary structure models of proteins.IntFOLD
An integrated server providing a single interface for the prediction of structure and function from sequence with interactive graphical output.ModFOLD
Assess the quality of predicted 3D models.ReFOLD
Fix the errors in 3D models of proteins.PINOT
PINOT: Protein Interaction Network Online Tool.FunFOLD
Predict protein-ligand interactions (now available with IntFOLD).DISOclust
Predict the intrinsically disordered regions within a protein sequence (now available with IntFOLD).DomFOLD
Predict the domain boundaries within a protein sequence (now available with IntFOLD).nFOLD3
Our original method for building 3D models of a protein from sequence using fold recognition (superseded by IntFOLD).Downloads
Download standalone verisons of the methods.News and Updates
- Dec 2024: Success at CASP16 and CAMEO: ModFOLDdock2 was ranked first in CASP16 for scoring global and local interfaces of quaternary structure models; MultiFOLD2 outperforms AF3 in CAMEO due to integrated stoichiometry prediction and was the top-ranked server on the hardest CASP16 domain targets according to GDT_TS.
- Oct 2024: New PhD student started - People
- Sep 2024: Nature Comms paper published - Publications
- Aug 2024: Bioinformatics paper published - Publications
- May-August 2022: CASP16 prediction season. New servers and methods have been developed, which will be independently benchmarked, including: MultiFOLD2, ModFOLDdock2 and FunFOLD5.
- Apr 2024: New PhD student started - People
- Mar 2024: JMB paper describing ModFOLD9 has been published - Publications
- Jan 2024: New server hardware has been installed.
- Dec 2023: The ModFOLD9 server is now available ModFOLD
- Jun 2023: Papers describing the ModFOLDdock and MultiFOLD_refine methods published in Proteins and Bioinformatics Advances, respectively - Publications
- Apr 2023: Paper describing the IntFOLD7, MultiFOLD and ModFOLDdock servers has been accepted by Nucleic Acids Research - Publications
- Mar 2023: Docker package for MultiFOLD, MultiFOLD_refine and ModFOLDdock is now available:
- Dec 2022: Success at CASP and CAMEO: ModFOLDdock performance was leading and MultiFOLD and IntFOLD7 were competitive with AlphaFold2 baselines and other newer Deep Learning methods.
- May-August 2022: CASP15 prediction season begins! New servers and methods have been developed, which will be independently benchmarked, including: IntFOLD7, FunFOLD4, MultiFOLD and ModFOLDdock.
- March 2022: new versions of our servers and methods have been registered with CAMEO and are being independently benchmarked, including: IntFOLD7, ModFOLD9 and ModFOLD9_pure.
- Oct 2021: New server hardware has been installed.
- Aug 2021: Proteins paper accepted - "Modeling SARS-CoV2 proteins in the CASP-commons experiment" - Publications
- May 2021: Biochem J. paper accepted - Publications
- Apr 2021: ModFOLD8 and ReFOLD3 papers accepted by Nucleic Acids Research - Publications
- Feb 2021: Two post docs are now working on our BBSRC project: BB/T018496/1 - Advancing capability in high performance protein structure and function prediction through optimisation of IntFOLD - People
- Jan 2021: New hardware installed for IntFOLD component methods.
- Dec 2020: Success at CASP14! Our ModFOLD8 server ranked among the top groups in QA. Panel talks were given in the QA and CASP-covid sessions and a poster was presented on our new ReFOLD3 method.
- Sep 2020: New PhD students started - People
- Aug 2020: Paper published in Blood - Publications
- Jun 2020: Paper published in Cell Communication and Signaling - Publications
- Jun 2020: Press release for CASP Commons research into SARS-CoV-2 protein structures.
- May 2020: CASP14 prediction season begins! New servers and methods will be benchmarked.
- Mar-Jun 2020: COVID-19 research - SARS-CoV-2 protein structures have been modelled using IntFOLD6 and scored with ModFOLD8 as part of CASP Commons 2020
- Feb 2020: New hardware has been installed for the new versions of our methods - IntFOLD6 and ModFOLD8 will be benchmarked in CASP14 and CAMEO.
- Oct 2019: New PhD students started - People
- Sep 2019: Genome Biology CAFA3 paper published - Publications
- Jul 2019: Estimates of Model Accuracy paper published for the CASP13 Proteins Special Issue - Publications
- Jun 2019: PLOS ONE paper published - Publications
- May 2019: Int. J Mol. Sci. paper accepted - Publications
- Apr 2019: IntFOLD5 server paper accepted by Nucleic Acids Research - Publications
- Dec 2018: Success at CASP13 (we are among the top few ranked groups in QA and TBM)! Invited talk & panel contribution given and two posters presented on our new methods and servers. Quoted in Guardian article re: CASP13 and DeepMind
- Oct 2018: New PhD student started - People
- Sep 2018: CASP13 prediction season complete. 5 abstracts prepared for Dec conference describing IntFOLD5, ModFOLD7, ReFOLD2, MultiFOLD and ModFOLDdock. New servers and downloads coming soon...
- Jul 2018: Nature Sci. Rep. paper published - Publications
- May 2018: CASP13 prediction season begins! New servers and methods will be benchmarked.
- Feb 2018: Dr Bajuna Salehe to rejoin School as a Bioinformatician for Genomics
- Dec 2017: Int. J Mol. Sci. paper accepted - Publications
- Nov 2017: New Lecturer in Bioinformatics for Genomics, Dr Soon Gweon, has joined the School
- Oct 2017: Estimates of Model Accuracy paper accepted for the CASP12 Proteins Special Issue - Publications
- Jul 2017: Template Based Modelling paper accepted for the CASP12 Proteins Special Issue - Publications
- Apr 2017: ModFOLD6 server paper accepted by Nucleic Acids Research - Publications
- Apr 2017: ReFOLD server paper accepted by Nucleic Acids Research - Publications
- Apr 2017: PLOS ONE paper accepted - Publications
- Dec 2016: Success at CASP12 (we are among the top few ranked in TBM and QA)! Two talks and three posters presented on our new methods and servers. The ReFOLD and ModFOLD6 servers are now online.
- Nov 2016: Two new PhD students to start - People
- Sep 2016: CASP12 prediction season complete. 5 abstracts submitted for Dec conference describing IntFOLD4, ModFOLD6, ReFOLD, MultiFOLD and ModFOLDIA. New servers and downloads coming soon...
- May-Aug 2016: CASP12 prediction season! New servers and methods will be benchmarked.
- Apr 2016: Methods in Mol. Biol. paper published - Publications
- Feb 2016: Won the University Best Research Output prize in the Health Theme for paper in J. Clin. Invest. Pubmed
- Feb 2016: Nature Sci. Rep. paper published - Publications
- Jan 2016: Methods in Mol. Biol. paper published - Publications
- Dec 2015: Int. J. Mol. Sci. paper accepted - Publications
- Oct 2015: New PhD student started - People
- Aug 2015: Int. J. Mol. Sci. paper accepted - Publications
- May 2015: J. Nutr. Biochem. paper accepted - Publications
- Apr 2015: New PhD student started - People
- Mar 2015: New IntFOLD server paper accepted by Nucleic Acids Research - Publications
- Feb 2015: Science paper published containing results from the IntFOLD server - Press release