The DISOclust Server Help Page
Input sequence
Enter the amino acid sequence of your target protein here in single letter code format e.g.
Email address
Enter your e-mail address here. Results will be returned as soon as they are available.
Short name for sequence
Use this field to assign a short memorable name to your prediction job. This is useful so that you can identify particular jobs in your mailbox. This is particularly important because DISOclust will not necessarily return your results in the order you submitted them.
The name you specify will be included in the subject line of the e-mail messages sent to you from the server.
The machine readable results are compatible with the CASP DR format.
There is also the option of including a link in the email to show the graphical output.
Click here for an example of the graphical output.
The first image is a plot of the probablity of disorder (y axis) for each numbered amino acid in the sequence (x axis). The disorder/order probability threshold is shown as a dashed line on the plot. Residues above the threshold can be considered as disordered. A PostScript version of the plot may be downloaded by following the link below the image.
Below the disorder probability plot are the ModFOLDclust results for the nFOLD3 models. The variation in the nFOLD3 models is shown by the residue error plots and colour coded images of 3D models. Click here for a description of the ModFOLDclust results.