Pete Moore

Areas of interest
- Landscape and Environmental Archaeology
- Late Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic in North-West Europe
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- Prehistory of the Cotswolds
Research centres and groups
Landscape, Climate and Lived EnvironmentResearch projects
Islands in the Wildwood: A Non-Anthropocentric Study of the Prehistoric Calcareous Wetlands of North-West Europe.
This project seeks to analyse Late Glacial & Holocene deposits within the Cotswolds, using a multi-proxy environmental approach to develop new insights into the ecological narratives and lifeways of Mesolithic populations within these upland landscapes.
Proximity to well-studied lowland landscapes will enable broader consideration of the variability in environmental and social conditions, exploring whether this influenced how they were used spatially and diachronically. Integrating this narrative with current archaeological evidence and theoretical understanding will allow for a non-anthropocentric biography of the landscape to be formulated, providing insight into the relative dynamics and interactions of humans, animals, and plants. It is hoped that by engaging with heritage bodies, approaches to better protect and legislate these valuable and overlooked deposits will be proposed and enacted.
My research is kindly funded by the AHRC through the South, West and Wales Doctoral Training Partnership.
Professor Nicholas Branch (University of Reading)
Dr Matthew Law (Bath Spa University)
I hold a Bsc in Archaeology (1st hons) and MA in Prehistoric Landscape Archaeology (Distinction), both from the University of York. My undergraduate dissertation focused on exploring the use of GIS-based predictive modelling to locate Cotswold-Severn long barrows, whilst my MA sought to explore the influence that natural and elemental aspects of landscape had upon the construction and utilisation of henge monuments.
Since 2016 I have been part of the core archaeological team for the National Trust in the South-West region, where I have assisted in excavations at a variety of nationally significant sites including Chedworth Roman Villa (2016-8), Cerne Abbas Giant (2020) and Stourhead (2023). I have also undertaken several independent research projects, largely within the landscape of the Cotswolds, most recently being a funded project analysing a small assemblage of late-glacial animal remains found next to the Nailsworth Stream, nr. Stroud.