Nick Pankhurst

+44 (0) 118 378 7316
Silchester and Silchester Environs Programme Manager
Areas of interest
- Late Iron Age and early Roman archaeology
- Urban archaeology
- Excavation methodology and training
- Medieval ecclesiastical architecture.
Nick works as Project Assistant for Silchester Town Life project, combining overall site supervision for the field school and post-excavation analysis of the late Iron Age and Early Roman stratigraphy. He has participated in the field school since his first year as a Reading undergraduate in 1999 and as staff member since 2001.
Prior to his current role, Nick worked for 12 years with commercial archaeological units in Oxford and Cambridge. During this time he coordinated numerous rural and urban excavations, including projects such as Heathrow Terminal 5, the A11 widening in Suffolk, and in Winchester, Cirencester and Oxford. He has also supervised on research projects in Jordan, Crete and Austria, and worked on excavations in the Hebrides and northern France.Academic qualifications
- BA, University of Reading.
Selected publications
- Finlayson, B., Mithen, S., Najjar, M., Smith, S., Pankhurst, N. and Yeomans, L. (2011) Architecture, sedentism, and social complexity at Pre-Pottery Neolithic A WF16, Southern Jordan. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, 108 (20). pp. 8183-8188. doi:10.1073/pnas.1017642108
- Mithen, S., Finlayson, B., Najjar, M., Jenkins, E., Smith , S., Hemsley, S., Maricevic, D., Pankhurst, N.,Yeomans, L. and Al-Almarat, H. (2010) Excavations at the PPNA site of WF16: a report on the 2008 season. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan (53). pp. 115-126. ISSN 0449-1564