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Dr Philippa Walton

Areas of interest

  • Roman material culture
  • The archaeology of Roman Britain
  • Roman numismatics
  • The deposition of Roman objects in rivers



  • AR2R8 and CL2RME Rome’s Mediterranean Empire: a world of cities
  • AR3R9 Archaeology of the City of Rome
  • ARMVME From Village to Metropolis: Understanding Ancient Rome

Contributes to:

  • AR1REV Revolutions in human behaviour
  • AR1EMP Ancient Empires: Middle East, Egypt and Rome
  • AR2FAO Ancient objects: materials and meanings
  • AR1MET Archaeology today: Methods and Practice

Research centres and groups

Objects, Materials and People

Research projects

Philippa’s current research focuses on the deposition of Roman objects in rivers. Such finds have usually been assumed to be rubbish deposits or the result of accidental loss, but some may be deliberate ritual offerings. With Hella Eckardt, she has recently (2021) written a book about the huge assemblage of Roman objects from the River Tees at Piercebridge.

She is also the post-doctoral researcher on the UKRI-funded project led by Peter Bray, Roman and Early Medieval Alloys Defined (REMADE). This project aims to use chemical analyses to explore patterns of recycling, mixing, alloying, trade and identity in Roman Britain and beyond.


Philippa has worked as a numismatist and small finds specialist for more than 20 years. Her research focuses on the material culture of Roman Britain, with a particular emphasis on data generated by the Portable Antiquities Scheme. Her most recent project, funded by the Leverhulme Trust, explored the deposition of objects in rivers throughout the Roman Empire and asked what they reveal about the identities of those who deposited them. In addition to working on riverine depositional practices, she has also published extensively on the function and use of coinage in Roman Britain, particularly in the 3rd and 4th centuries AD. In 2014, she was the first woman to be awarded the Blunt Prize for Numismatics by the British Numismatic Society in recognition of this research.

Academic qualifications

MA (Cantab)

PgDip (Oxon)


Awards and honours

2014: The Blunt Prize for Numismatics awarded by the British Numismatic Society

Professional bodies/affiliations

  • Trustee of the Roman Research Trust
  • Member of the Roman Society Archaeology Committee

Selected publications

  • Eckardt, H. and Walton, P. , eds. (2021) Bridge over troubled water: the Roman finds from the River Tees at Piercebridge in context. Britannia Monographs , 34. Roman Society , London. pp 336. ISBN: 9780907764489 | doi:
  • Walton, P. and Moorhead, T.S.N. (2016) ‘Coinage and the Economy’, in M. Millett, L. Revell and A. Moore (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Roman Britain, OUP
  • Walton, P. (2012) Rethinking Roman Britain: Coinage and Archaeology (Moneta Monograph No. 137)
