Dr Brandon Fathy

Areas of interest
- Medieval and Early Medieval Archaeology
- Urban Archaeology
- Urban emergence; how do towns come about?
- Spatial Analysis
- New Materialism
- England and the North Sea
Convenor of
- AR3V1 Vikings in the West
Contributes to:
- AR1MET Archaeology Today
- AR1RAT Revolutions and Transitions
- AR2M8 Medieval Europe
Brandon is a medieval archaeologist who completed his PhD at the University of Leicester in 2022.His research is motivated by the question, “what are the origins of towns and cities”. He studies how populations transform from non-urban to urban using spatial and statistical analysis, among other tools. He has special expertise on the North Sea zone, with a focus on Britain in the Early Middle Ages. Brandon is also interested in posthumanist archaeology, thinking about how the vibrant and active capacities of matter and materials impact on processes like urban emergence. Brandon has previously won funding from the Medieval Academy of America and Richard III Society (Schallek Award), the Economic History Society, the Lynne Grundy Memorial Trust, the Chalke Valley History Trust and the Bright!Tax Global Scholar Initiative.
Academic qualifications
- BA (University of Leicester)
- MPhil (Cantab)
- PhD (University of Leicester)
Professional bodies/affiliations
- Practitioner Chartered Institute for Archaeologists
- Associate Fellow Advance HE