Dr Sanzidur Rahman

Associate Professor
Director, Graduate Institute of International Development, Agriculture and Economics (GIIDAE)
Areas of interest
- Productivity and efficiency measurements in agriculture
- Total factor productivity measurements and sources of growth
- Underlying areas of technological change in agriculture
- Impact of climate change on agriculture
- Adaptation to climate change in agriculture
- Energy - agriculture interaction
- Poverty, inequality and livelihoods
- Economic development in rural/urban areas
I am a leading researcher on agricultural, environmental and/or resource economics focusing on the developing economies, specifically South and Southeast Asia, China and Africa. The core concern of my research is to improve understanding of the range of factors influencing agricultural and economic development in developing economies and to promote their integration into policy and practice. I have a keen interest in production economics, environmental and resource economics, energy use in agriculture, climate change, household level decision-making, poverty and livelihoods, and economic development in rural/urban areas and their determinants.
Postgraduate supervision
Current PhD students:
As principal supervisor
- Berhie, Chanie Ejigu. [Ethiopia]. “Impact of modern seed system on food security at the farm-level in Ethiopia”. SAPD, University of Reading, UK.
- Pothuri, Dharmender Rao. [Kenya]. “Consumer perception of plant-based proteins and acceptance in the East African markets”. SAPD, University of Reading, UK.
- Shabnam, Dilruba [Bangladesh]. “Sustainability of Nature-based solutions for Agricultural Adaptation to climate change in Bangladesh: Tool for Agro-ecological Performance Evaluation (TAPE) Approach”. SAPD, University of Reading, UK.
As co-supervisor
- Rezoyana Kabir Rasha [Bangladesh]. “The Impact of Aquaculture Technology on the Livelihoods and Food Security of the Coastal People: An Empirical Study in Bangladesh” with Professor Chittur Srinivasan, SAPD, University of Reading, UK.
- Kwadwo Adusei Peasah [Ghana]. “Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) and its interaction with food security, health and livelihoods” with Professor Chittur Srinivasan, SAPD, University of Reading, UK.
- Andi Mulyadi [Indonesia]. “Public Participation Model on Rural Development Program: Evidence from Village Fund in Indonesia” with Dr Sarah Cardey, SAPD, University of Reading, UK.
- Ainur Bulsheva [Kazakhstan]. “Assessment of dual learning efficiency for students and businesses in the agriculture and food sectors” with Dr Yiorgos Gadanakis, University of Reading, UK.
- Byamungu, Abraham [Tanzania]. “Good Governance, Natural Resource and Prosperity: Cross- Country Panel Data Evidence”with Dr Jo Davies, SAPD, University of Reading, UK.
Completed PhD Students:
As Principal Supervisor (Director of Studies)
- Al-Noor Abdullah [Sudan]. “Assessing Economic, Social, Political and Environmental Issues related to Mega-projects in Developing Economies: A case study of Merowe Dam in Sudan” with Professor Geoff Wilson, SoGEES, University of Plymouth, UK.
- Chidiebere Daniel Chima [Nigeria]. “The impact of agricultural technology adoption on agricultural productivity and food availability in Southeastern Nigeria” with Ian Whitehead, SoGEES, University of Plymouth, UK.
- Zhangping Hu [China]. “Socio-economic Drivers of Agricultural Production in a Transition Economy: the Case of Village Hu, Sichuan Province, China” with Professor Geoff Wilson, SoGEES, University of Plymouth, UK.
- Susan Alison Wren [UK]. “Socio-economic and livelihood impacts of environmentally friendly bioenterprise development for agro-pastoralists in Somburu Heartlands, Kenya” with Professor Mick Fuller, SoGEES, University of Plymouth, UK.
- Brodrick O. Awerije [Nigeria]. “Exploring the potential of cassava as a source of agricultural growth in Nigeria” with Professor Geoff Wilson, SoGEES, University of Plymouth, UK.
- Cesar J. Vasquez-Navarette, [Mexico]. “Productivity management in the Cacao Agro-industry of Tabasco, Mexico: A Fitness Approach” with Professor Geoff Wilson, SoGEES, University of Plymouth. UK.
As co-supervisor:
- Milorad Plasvic [Serbia]. “Long-Term Effects of Extreme Events on Dietary Patterns, Lifestyleand Health: Evidence from The Great Famine in China” with Professor Chittur Srinivasan, SAPD, University of Reading, UK.
- Umar Shehu Umar [Nigeria]. “Contracts and the Problem of Contract Compliance in Nigeria's Tomato Markets” with Professor Giacomo Zanello, SAPD, University of Reading, UK.
- Noor-E-Sabiha [Bangladesh]. “Environmental Impact of High Yield Variety Rice Cultivation in Bangladesh: A Study Based on Farm Level Data” with Professor Ruhul Salim. Curtin Business School, Perth, Australia.
- Kantaporn Chuangchid [Thailand]. “Applications of Extreme Value Econometrics to Energy-Crop Price Analysis” with Professor Songsak Sriboonchitta, Faculty of Economics, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
- Wei Chen Sang [Taiwan]. “An Analysis of Rubber Price Return Volatility” with Professor Songsak Sriboonchitta, Faculty of Economics, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
- YanYan Sun [China]. “Environment/Welfare-Oriented Productivity and Its Application in the Evaluation of Economic Development” with Professor C. Dai, Donghua University, Shanghai, China.
- Gong Xue [China]. “Econometric Analysis of Agricultural and Energy Commodity Price Returns Behaviour” with Professor Songsak Sriboonchitta, Faculty of Economics, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Module convenor of Environmental and Resource Economics (ADMREE)
Module co-convenor of Farm Business Management (AD2FBM)
Teaching supporting role for:
Global Sustainability Challenges: Challenges and Prospect (AD1GLS); Independent Research Project supervision (AD31NP);
Master’s thesis supervision (ADM-Dissertation)
Previously, I was Associate Professor/Reader in International Development at the University of Plymouth, UK. I also held research positions at the University of Manchester, UK; International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, DC, USA; Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand and BRAC, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Currently, I also hold the position of Adjunct Professor of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand. Previously, I was Distinguished Adjunct Professor (non-residential) at Shandong University of Finance and Economics, Jinan, China.
Rahman, Sanzidur https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=7402514511
Sanzidur Rahman https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/886848
Sanzidur Rahman https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=b-CgrTEAAAAJ&hl=en
Sanzidur Rahman https://www.reading.ac.uk/agri-food-economics-marketing/